Searching for a job
Getting a job
Living on your own
Public transportation

What are some things to think about when beginning to look for a job?

If you want full or part time work, how much pay you need, how you would get there, and what type of job(s) you think you would enjoy.  


When you are applying for a job, you will be asked to fill out or submit...

An application or resume with a cover letter


What are some things you may want to do to prepare to live on your own?

Save money, look at your visual budget, talk with people who can help you with the process


What are some forms of public transportation?

Trains, buses, Uber/Lyft, subway


What is a lease for an apartment?

A contract that states: how long you will live at an apartment, what the rent is and when it is due, if pets are allowed, etc.


What are some ways you can search for jobs?

Online job search tools, networking (asking others if they know of job openings), walking into businesses in town


What is a cover letter?

A professional letter that expresses your interest in a job, the skills you have that relate to the job, and provides your contact information


What are some things you should consider before looking for your first apartment?

Your budget, the rent you can afford, location, if an apartment allows pets


What may be one reason to take a train instead of an uber to an interview in the city?

A train is cheaper and runs on a schedule.  You don't have to worry about being late or getting stuck in traffic


If someone tells you their salary is 40 thousand dollars, do they make 40 thousand dollars an hour at their job  OR  40 thousand dollars a year?

A salary is how much you make per year


What are the names of some online job search tools?


What is a resume?

A professional form that lists your past work experiences, education/training you have, contact information, skills you have


What are some ways you can search for an apartment?

Get help from someone or an agency, use online apartment searching tools/apps, network/speak with others to see if they know of any places for rent


Before going to the train station, you must look at a _______________ before deciding when you will leave and what train you will take

A train schedule online


What is a salary?

How much money you make in a year at your job


What makes online job search tools so helpful and efficient?

You can narrow your search to find a job that fits your needs (part time, location, etc.) and you can send apply to several jobs at the same time


What are some important things you should do during an interview?

Dress nicely and appropriately, shake hands and make eye contact, be confident, use body language to show you are interested and enthusiastic


Name some online tools you can use to search for apartments?, zillow, trulia, craigslist, 


What is one website that helps give you directions to a location and tells you if there is traffic and how long it will take to get somewhere?

google maps, waze, imaps


What are some things that go on a resume

Contact info, work experience, education history, skills


What are some services DVRS provides?

Working with you to develop a goal, find you a job, provide job coaching, help you to continue to develop skills that will help you to get/keep a job


After interview, when you get home, you should...

Write a professional email thanking them for the interview and express your interest in the position again.  


When you go to see an apartment, it is a good idea to...

Bring someone with you, take a video/pictures, bring questions to ask


You have a job interview at 10am in NYC.  

Train A. is leaving Ridgewood at 9:20am that will arrive in NYC at 9:50am.

Train B. leaves earlier, at 8:55am and arrives in NYC at 9:25am. 

Which train is the best one to take: Train A. or B.?

Train B.

It is better to be safe and get there early


What is a reference?

usually a former supervisor who an employer can contact.  They will recommend you for a job
