In the community
In a restaurant
In the workplace
What do I do? Oh No

Should you hold the door open for a person carrying groceries? 

Yes you should at least offer to open the door 


Should you discuss the details of personal medication in a busy large food court? 

No the people next to you will hear everything 


Should you make comments towards others if you notice that they have gained weight? 

No You should focus on work related topics and not discuss their weight


I am in a store and I have $5.00. The item I want is $4.00 do I have enough money? 

Double bonus: How much change should I get? 

Yes and you should get $ 1.00 back


Oh NO, your toilet is overflowing what do I do? 

 Call your family or staff or landlord 

If you know how turn off the water faucet to the toilet which is under the toilet. clean up the water on the floor, use plunger to unclog the toilet, call plumber if necessary



When at the baseball game, you should stand and cheer for the entire event?

No don't stand up unless everyone else is standing. Others behind you will not like it. 


If you need to blow your nose in a restaurant, what should you do?

group discussion 


When the phone rings at work, how should you answer?

Good morning/afternoon JVS Toronto 

Double bonus: role play 


What are some healthy options in the food court? 

Name a dish you think is healthy 


Your kitchen light bulb is not working and the room is dark. What do I do? double bonus how much does a light bulb cost?

Call your family or staff or landlord if it is in a high place. Wait for someone to help you if you need to use a ladder.

If it is safe to do replace the light bulb and throw the old light into a cardboard box and then throw out the box. 


Is it okay to yell fire as a joke? True or False 

Double bonus: What is the emergency number if it is real?




When talking to someone is it important to look them in the eyes? 

Yes when you have a conversation with another person it is important to look them in the eyes to show them that you are paying attention. 


Should you walk up to a coworker whom is on the phone and start talking? 

No You should wait until the conversation is over. 


What activity can you do that does not cost money? 

Double bonus: think of 2 ideas 

Walk in the park, have a picnic in conservation area, exercise outside in the backyard, go to the library and pick up a book or ready pack 

Answers will vary


Oh no, The washing machine is making a loud banging noise as it is running. 

Ask a family member or Staff for assistance. With help from staff or family. Turn off the washing machine and wait until the machine has stopped moving . This is very important DO NOT PUT YOUR HAND IN WHILE THE MACHINE IS MOVING. The laundry load is most likely unbalanced and that can adjusted by taking out a heavy item of clothing. 


If you are given the wrong amount of money back in a restaurant or store you should yell at the person for the correct money. 

True or False 


Double Bonus: Explain how you would handle it


If the other person is paying the bill, should you order the most expensive item on the menu?

No try to order something around the same price as they do. You can figure that out by asking them what they feel like ordering and then looking at the price. 


When you are leaving a telephone conversation what should you say before leaving? 

Good Bye 


Should you take a telephone call during a job interview? 

No, please turn off the volume or cell phone before going into the interview


What should you do if you find ants in your kitchen?

If there is not alot of ants, put out an ant trap after cleaning the area. Wear a glove when handling the ant trap and then wash your hands after. If there is a lot of ants call a professional exterminator by getting advice from a family member or staff. 


While in the doctor's waiting room, it is okay to ask people why they are waiting to see the doctor or tell them in detail why you are there. 

True or False 

False You should not ask people why they are waiting to see the doctor or tell them in detail why you are there. 

Should I chew with my mouth open at a restaurant?

No please refrain from chewing with your mouth open whenever possible. 


Is calling a coworker at 11 pm at night to chat a good idea?

No it's not okay to call at night it can wait until work time tomorrow or on the next business day. 


What holiday is coming up in the spring? 

Double bonus Name 2 

Passover and Easter 


Oh no. What is an appropriate percent tip to leave at a restaurant?

10% to 15% of the bill 

Double bonus on a $10 bill. How much is 15%? 
