cant leave the shelter unless for school learn the layout meet your counselor and the staff
what is Orentation
can you cuss
how to earn a radio
being on graduation or collegiate
can males sit with females
no n
who are the counselors
Ms.Tara and Ms.Erica
complete and application and get two staff signatures
what is level up
horse play going into other youths rooms and holding hands are allowed true or false
its a great place to hang out at the staff station and med pass room true or false
false unless you are called by staff you cant hang out at either place
how many legs on the floor ?
how many clothes can you have ?
7 pairs of clothes including two pairs of pj's
little redirection from staff positive role model help out when asked by staff working toward growth oppertunities
what is graduation
when can youth share clothes
never its against the rules give reasons why
when if at all can youth be in each others dorm rooms
sitting at the staff station is for junior staff
no only staff at the staff station
rules for the radio in the vans
must be appropriate and at a reasonable level
participate in all groups help lead groups running house meeting leadership role
what is collegiate
dress code name some
no leggings no hats sleeveless shirts booty shorts are not allowed
passing notes are between 2-4 pm true or false
false note passing is not allowed
what time should the tv be on
after 4pm
who is in charge of feeding the fish
no one we have no fish
name the 6 pillars of character
trustworthiness respect responsibility fairness caring citizenship
when can youth get seconds
after staff finished eating unless other wise directed
rooms searches happen when ?
at random times at will
phone calls start at what times on 8/4 4/12?
10-11 7:30-8:30
list 6 contraband items
sharps, money, glass, hygiene items, lighters, electronics