Safe Driving
Job Decorum
Safe Distances
__________ can help to reduce your chances of death or injury by up to 70%
What is Wearing a Seat Belt
List 3 ways to gain experience in a career field you are interested in.
What is Internships, Volunteering, Networking, Interview a person in the field, Seminars, Conventions
Alcohol related crashes more than double at __________ and on ________________.
What is Night / Weekends
What is the difference between a job and a career?
What is A job is role you were hired to fulfill. (Typically short term 1-5 years. No special skills are usually required) A career is a field of work in which you have specialized in, gaining expertise and achievements. (Careers are "FOREVER" jobs. Although you may switch employers, you typically have similar responsibilities.)
How much distance should you place between you and surrounding vehicles?
What is 4 seconds. (Wait until the car in front of you passes a "landmark". Count to 4, if you haven't passed the same landmark, you're in business. If not, reduce speed to allow more time to react in case of an emergency.)
Most crashes occur _____________ or at speeds below __________mph.
What is Near the Home / 40MPH
People with college degrees, on average, make how much more money over their lifetime as compared to a high school graduate.
What is $1,500,000 / $1.5million
What is the legal limit for BAC in adults? _________ Teens?__________
What is .08 / 0.000000000000000000000000000000
Women’s skirts and dresses should be ____________ length to be considered appropriate for the work place.
What is Knee Length
A vehicle’s stopping distance is largely determined by the car’s __________. The _______ you go, the _________ it takes to stop.
What is SPEED / FASTER / LONGER (At 30mph, it takes the average vehicle 9 car lengths to stop. At 60mph the distance in increased to 24 car lengths. DOUBLE THE SPEED, TRIPLE THE STOPPING DISTANCE)
Define Blindspots
What is areas on a car where visibility is limited or nonexistant. They are dangerous because hazards can "hide" in these areas resulting in a collision.
Jobs involving ____________ are projected to be the fastest growing over the next 10 years.
What is Technology (5 of the top 10 jobs with the best 10 year Projected Outlook directly involve degrees with Technology.)
What does BAC stand for?
What is Blood Alcohol Concentration
The skill of connecting and establishing relationships with people within your field of study/work is call ________.
What is Networking
List 4 factors affecting a car’s stopping distance.
What is Weather Conditions, Driver Reaction Time, Condition of the Tires, Speed, Weight of Vehicle including cargo onboard, Quality of Breaks
Define Defensive Driving
What is Driving in a manner that considers everything in their surroundings as a possible hazard. Being alert, scanning your environment, and maintaining a safe distance between you and the cars around you are all examples of Defensive Driving.
What is projected to be the most in demand job in 10 years?
What is Education (Teaching is projected to add 1.5 million jobs over the next 10 years. As the American population continues to increase, there will be more need to educate their children.)
List 3 options you should consider if you have been drinking and need transportation
What is Public Transportation (taxi, bus), Calling a trusted adult (parent, friend, teacher), Staying at the location (crashing on the couch is a lot better than crashing your vehicle and your chances at life)
Resumes can be organized in 2 ways. Name them.
What is Chronologically (Organized by Time)(Newest Info First) & Skill Based (Highlights Skills and Knowlege directly related to the job you are applying for)
The best way to communicate your intentions while driving is to use your ________.
What is Turn Signals. (Honking the horn often frustrates people which can lead to aggressive driving. Moving to the proper lane and signaling early is the best way to prevent an issue.) (Please don't get angry if someone honks at you while driving. It is difficult to know their true intentions. They may be trying to say hello, alert you of dangers, or need your help.)
When should headlights be turned on while driving? Why?
What is Headlights should be used in low visibility situations such as night time, during fog, rain, or snow. It is particularly important to turn your headlights on at DUSK, not only for increased road visibility but to alert others on the road that you are driving. This can reduce the risk of someone pulling into your driving path resulting in a crash
Define Job Outlook. Why is it important to consider Job Outlook when considering a career?
What is A projected number of jobs that experts predict will become available over a period a time. A high outlook shows that getting a job in the career field should be easy, a low outlook may reveal difficulties in the work force or decreased demand for their products.
In 2006, how many deaths were attributed to car crashes on US roads?
What is 43,000
A list of items provided by the employer that might include insurance, bonuses, and expense accounts are know as ____________.
What is Benefits.
Why is it particularly important to be aware of buses, semi-trucks, and other large vehicles while driving?
What is Extended Stopping Distance and Larger Blind Spots. (Because of their weight and awkward sizes, large vehicles need considerably more room to slow down or stop in case of an emergency. If they aren't aware of you and need to react quickly, they could cause a collision. Because of their size, this type of wreck is considerably more dangerous for passenger vehicles.)