Application Questions
Life Cycles of Organisms
Life Cycle Stages
True or False

This is when one or more organisms bring new organisms of the same type into existence.

A. Reproduction

B. Growth

C. Life cycle

D. Plant cycle



What are three similarities between the life cycle of a buttery and the life cycle of a bird?

They both hatch from eggs, both have an adult stage, and they both reproduce.


Name the stages of a bird's life cycle.

Egg, baby bird, and adult bird


Name the three stages in the life cycle of a bean plant.

Seed, flower, and adult plant


True or False: All animals lay eggs.


What is metamorphosis?

A. It is the physical change of an organism throughout its life.

B. It is the different stages of an animal’s life.

C. A single living thing.

D. All animals have this as they get older.

It is the physical change of an organism throughout its life.


The diagrams show the life cycles of a cockroach and a tenebrio.

Which statement about their life cycles is correct?

A. Both animals go through four stages of development.

B. Both the nymph and the larva lack wings.

C. Both insects look the same at all stages of their life.

D. Both insects lay eggs in an egg case when they are adults.

Both the nymph and the larva lack wings


Name the stages of the life cycle of a butterfly.

Egg, larva, pupa (chrysalis), adult butterfly


What do plants use to reproduce?

A. Seeds

B. Pupa

C. Larva

D. Eggs



True or False: Mammals make milk to feed their young.



Which of the following is the order of life stages for all living things?

A. Growth, reproduction, birth, death

B. Birth, death, growth, reproduction

C. Reproduction, death, birth, growth

D. Birth, growth, reproduction, death

Birth, growth, reproduction, death


The diagrams show the life cycles of two plants.

How are the life cycles of these two plants similar? Both plants________________.

A. Develop the same kind of flowers.

B. Produce the same kinds of seeds.

C. Have the same number of leaves when they are adults.

D. Begin life as seeds and then grow larger.

Begin life as seeds and then grow larger


What are the stages of a frog’s life cycle?

A. Egg, larva, pupa, adult

B. Egg, tadpole, froglet, and adult

C. Egg, froglet, adult

D. Egg, tadpole, adult, caterpillar

Egg, tadpole, froglet, and adult


What happens to a caterpillar during the pupa stage?

A. It lays eggs

B. It grows legs, antennae, and wings

C. It becomes a larva

D. It produces seeds

It grows legs, antennae, and wings

True or False: All organisms have a pupa stage.



How is a plant life cycle usually different from an animal life cycle?  During their life cycles, only plants________.

Produce seeds


Students are investigating the life cycle of the spotted salamander.  They learn that these salamanders must live close to water and lay eggs in water.  After 20-60 days, the salamander eggs hatch as larvae.  They must stay in the water until they mature into adult salamanders.

The students infer that the life cycle of the spotted salamander is similar to the life cycle of the frog because both animals ____________________________________.

A. Have long tails and strong jumping legs as adults

B. Live near the water and produce larvae with wings

C. Lay eggs in water, which hatch into larvae, also known as tadpoles that live in water

D. Produce offspring that hatch from eggs and look like adults

Lay eggs in water, which hatch into larvae, also known as tadpoles that live in water


Select the stages below that are part of a butterfly’s metamorphosis.

A. Egg

B. Larva

C. Froglet

D. Seed

Egg and larva


What is the order of the steps in a butterfly's life cycle?

A. Pupa, egg, reproduction, death

B. Larva, pupa, butterfly, egg, death

C. Larva, egg, reproduction, butterfly, death

D. Egg, larva, pupa, butterfly, reproduction, death

Egg, larva, pupa, butterfly, reproduction, death


True or False: Metamorphosis is the physical change of an organism throughout its life.



Which statement is NOT true about life cycles?

A. Stages, organism grows, beginning to end.

B. Different stages of an animal’s life.

C. All animals have this as they get older.

D. When life repeats over and over again in the same order.

All animals have this as they get older


What are three differences between the life cycle of a butterfly and the life cycle of a bird?

A butterfly has a larva stage, but a bird does not.  A butterfly has a pupa stage, but a bird does not.  A butterfly goes through complete metamorphosis, but a bird does not.


Compare and contrast the life cycle of a frog and the life cycle of a bird.

The life cycle of a frog has four stages, while the life cycle of a bird has three stages.  Both animals hatch from eggs.  Both animals grow, reproduce, and die.  The life cycle of a frog includes tadpoles and a froglet, and the life cycle of a bird does not.


How is the life cycle of a salamander similar to the life cycle of a frog?

They both lay eggs in water, which hatch into larvae, which are known as tadpoles that live in water.


True or False: Life cycles are not different stages of an organism's life.

