Activities in this domain are customizable to each persons spiritual preferences. Examples we are currently offer: Preaching services, singings, devotional handouts.
What is religious or spiritual
Calendars are found on ______ on each unit throughout the facility.
What is tvs?
This meeting patients and staff get together to discuss good things going on in the center, plan a meal for the month, and talk about changes to make the center move forward.
What is Patient Council?
You can find activity supplies here on Azalea Way.
What is the activities closet by the tv in the day room.
Activities in this domain help patient maintain their mental abilities and keep their minds sharp. Examples we offer are: Word search passes, trivia, Jeopardy Live, Book Mobile, and Bingo.
What is intellectual?
Life Enrichment hands these out to every patient at the beginning of each month.
What is Calendars?
Patient council president is _____________.
Who is Cheryl Patterson?
You can find activity supplies for Dogwood Trace here.
Where is the entertainment center and the bookshelf in the dayroom.
Activities in this domain help patients express themselves and get to know their inner feelings. Activities we offer are: art therapy, painting Classes, movies, crochet classes, and crafts.
What is Emotional
A few of these are read at the beginning of every patient council meeting.
What is the Patient Bill of Rights?
You can find activity supplies here on Camille Court.
What is the Fish Bowl?
Activities in this domain help patients socialize with others and encourage engagement and interaction with other people and patients. Activities we offer are: Birthday parties, dining room, socials, and festivals.
What is social?
Who can bring patients to activities?
Who is anyone?
Activities in this domain help patients feel included in their community. Activities we offer in this domain are: Patient Council, decorating, and crafts.
What is Vocational
Who can lead an activity?
Who is anyone?