The study we did in first semester and the 2 people did it focused on.
What is Biblical manhood -- David and Jesus ?
Full name (not acronym) for main retreat in October
What is the Fall Discipleship Conference?
Name the five habits we went over this semester
What are: Prayer, Worship, Confession, Submission and Quiet Times ?
Who gets $0 tips from Pizza Hut
Who is Chandler?
This debater asks great philosophical questions
Who is Kevin?
By the grace of God get 200 points!
The normal location for Spring Break
Hume Lake
A.C.T.S. is useful too help give structure to our prayer lives. The four words it stands for are...
Complete this sentence: "We get it, you're..."
What is Married?
He always has a new zoom background
The scene in Scripture we looked at to drive home how men of God share their burdens with others.
What is "Jesus in Gethsemane sharing his burdens with the disciples" ?
Name for when we intentionally intermingle Christians and non-Christians to connect
What is a Matthew Party?
The definition of mercy and grace as discussed this semester
Mercy is withholding deserved punishment. Grace is giving undeserved favor
Unwise decision!
You lose 300 points!
I have a job, but only work 10 hours a month
Who is Ben Ko?
King David's entry into Jerusalem looked at how part of Biblical manhood involves
What is "Moving yourself and others into God's presence" ?
Organization we support that sends gifts and gospel message to kids in other countries
What is Operation Christmas Child?
The helpful disciplemaking framework
See the goal. Set the pace. Share your life.
The picture Jared has when his camera is off
What is his Aunt's one eyed dog?
This guy is involved in another Christian group called KCA
Who is Chris
The characteristic we focused on when looking at the story of David and Goliath
What is Initiative?
"LIFE" in Life Group stands for
What is: Learning Biblical Truth, Intercessory Prayer, Fellowship, Extending Life to Others?
Definition of "portmanteau"
a word or morpheme whose form and meaning are derived from a blending of two or more distinct forms (such as smog from smoke and fog)
The color of Patrick's headset throughout the year
What is pink?
Name each person with an attendance level of 50% and above for the ENTIRE year at LIFE Group. You must get every name right.
Who are: Ben, Steven, Chandler, Jared, Patrick, Kevin, Chris?