New England colonies
Which religious group was dominant in the New England colonies
In Colonial America, where did children usually receive their education?
At Home
What was the economy based on in Colonial America?
trade and agriculture
How many sets of clothes were slaves given?
One per year
What did many of the laws in the colonies reflect?
Religious beliefs
This colonial region was known for its religious tolerance
Middle colonies
What did the Puritans strict religious beliefs influence?
Daily routines, education and governance
What role did women play in colonial life?
took care of the home, cooked, made clothes and raised the children
What types of jobs did people have in the colonies that helped to contribute to the growing economy?
Artisans, blacksmiths, merchants
What did the law not recognize between people that were enslaved?
These were held in the New England colonies, where male landowners gathered to vote on local issues.
Town meetings
This made farming difficult in the New England colonies
rocky soil
What was mandatory in the Puritans' strict religious communities?
church attendance
What often guided family life in Colonial America?
Strict religious beliefs
What kinds of goods were exported to Europe?
Tobacco, sugar, cotton
Where did the first enslaved Africans arrive in 1619?
Virginia colony
Who held the most power in the Southern colonies?
Wealthy landowners
These three regions made up Colonial America
New England Colonies
Middle Colonies
Southern Colonies
In the New England colonies, who had significant influence over the government?
Puritan religious leaders
This colonial region, highly valued education and many towns had schools where children learned to read, write and study the bible
The New England Colonies
What was the main purpose of importing enslaved Africans to the colonies, especially the Southern Colonies?
To work on plantations
What did Spain offer to the enslaved black people if they made it to St. Augustine, FL?
Freedom if they made it there and if they converted to Catholicism
This act said that all white men were required to be armed and bring guns to church on Sunday.
Security Act
Each colonial region had its own way of life based on what?
The geography, climate and resources available.
What did religion help shape in the colonies?
laws and daily routines of the colonists
In the Southern Colonies, who provided education for wealthy children?
private tutors
What important trade route connected the colonies with Europe, Africa, and the Americas?
the Triangular Trade Route
What were "schools" for the enslaved black people of South Carolina?
To teach black people that slavery was ordained by god
An Act for the Better Ordering and Governing of Negros and other Slaves in this Province was passed by the S. Carolina government after the Stono Rebellion that made it illegal for slaves to do this.
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