What was New York named when it was a Dutch colony?
New Netherland
How did children contribute in colonial society?
What type of colony is owned by an individual?
Proprietary colony.
Who were skilled workers that focused on one type of work?
Who was New York named for?
The Duke of York.
What was the weather like in the southern colonies?
Hot and rainy.
Which colonial region had the most slaves?
The southern colonies.
Who was typically allowed to vote at town meetings?
Men who owned land.
What were the main industries of the New England colonies?
Lumber, fishing, whaling, ship building.
Who was the Puritan minister who believed that all men should be allowed to vote?
Thomas Hooker.
Why were the New England colonies bad for farming?
Cold weather and poor soil.
How could a slave gain freedom?
Buying it.
Which colony was granted to Lord Baltimore as a haven for Catholics?
What was the trade network that connected Europe, Africa, and the Americas?
Triangular Trade.
Who issued the Proclamation of 1763?
King George III.
Which European country gave up its land in the Ohio River Valley?
What religious group was against slavery?
Which colony was created for people who were sent to prison or had a debt to pay?
What economic idea called for governments to limit imports but increase exports?
Phillis Wheatley.
Why were cities in the middle colonies important for trade?
Sheltered harbors and deep water ports.
What movement changed how colonists felt about religion?
The Great Awakening
What was the name of Virginia's colonial assembly?
House of Burgesses.
What crops were grown on plantations in the southern colonies?
Rice, tobacco, and cotton.
Who was the Wampanoag chief that attacked the New England colonies in 1675?
Metacom / King Phillip