What is the age range to be eligible for a Whole Life policy?
What is 0-85
What is the minimum face amount available for a 10 pay, 15 pay, and 20 pay life?
What is 100k for a 10 pay, 50k for a 15 pay, and 25k for a 20 pay
This is the term for the amount that is payable upon an insured's death
What is guaranteed death benefit
What is the minimum face amount available for a whole life policy?
What is $25k
What are the eligible ages for a 10, 15, and 20 pay life?
What is 0-85 for 10 and 15 pay, and 0-75 for a 20 pay life.
What is annualized premium outlay?
What is the amount of premium paid in a year
What are the 4 dividend options on a whole life policy?
What is Accumulate, Paid Up Additions, Reduce Premium, Cash
What riders are available on limited pay policies?
What is GIO, WPD, and Payor riders
What is cash surrender value?
What is cash surrender value is guaranteed cash value + dividend
What riders are available to a Whole Life policy?
What dividend options are available for limited pay policies?
What is Accumulate, Paid up additions, Reduce Premium, Cash
This option reduces the premium of a life insurance policy
What is reduce premium dividend option
What is DMS in a whole life policy?
What is a dividend payable upon death, maturity, or surrender of the policy
What is the difference between accumulate and paid up additions?
This is a dividend payable at the end of the 10th policy year on a whole life policy
What is DMS (death, maturity, or surrender) dividend