Opposite of dirty
Somewhere without danger
Someone who is unkind
Someone who is not nervous
A symbol you can wear
Give the present forms of sit.
sit, sits, sitting
Give the short form of I am.
What are the forms of "to be"? Give all of them.
Give all the forms of "have"
Give the past forms of jump.
jumped, jumped
(Jump is a regular verb)
What is the order of the following transition words:
then, next, finally
What do we place after verbs to turn them into present participles?
What do we put after regular verbs to turn them into the past tense?
Give words with -oo-, -ee-, and -ou-.
fool, feel, foul, etc.
Give words with -nt, -ld and -mp
ant, fold, lamp, etc.
Give an example of a present simple sentence.
He is cute./He eats donuts.
Give an example of a present continuous sentence.
She is sitting on the bench.
Give an example of a past simple sentence.
He sat on the floor.
Give an example of a past continuous sentence.
They were writing the questions.
Give an example of a past simple question.
Did you eat lunch?/Didn't you drink water?
Give all the subject pronouns.
I, he, she, it, we, they, you
Give all the object pronouns.
Me, her, him, it, you, us, them
Give all the forms of "do"
What is the part of a food guide where you place the ingredients of a certain meal/dish/food item?
A guide is an example of a...
non-fiction text