This is the number of steps are in the Life of Christ Curriculum?
This is the name of the city that Jesus was born in.
Jesus was baptized by this prophet.
John the Baptist
Jesus often teach using stories call ____________.
How many blind men did Jesus heal in Jericho?
This is the number of years that Jesus was in ministry.
This is the number of lists of genealogy of Jesus that is found in the Gospels.
Prior to the start of his earthly ministry, this was Jesus' profession.
During Jesus ministry, he would often find opposition with these two religious groups.
Pharisees and Sadducees
This is the number of times that Jesus predicted his death.
This is Step 5 in the Life of Christ
Risen Life
Joseph and his family escaped to this country, during the decree of Herod the Great to have all children under 2 killed.
This is the name of the town that Jesus grew up in.
Jesus taught about the beatitudes during the sermon on the ___________.
Name the two disciples who asked to be the greatest in the Kingdom of God.
James and John
This is the main theme in the Gospel of Matthew.
The Kingdom of God
Joseph and his family returned to this province after the death of Herod the Great.
This is the first temptation of Jesus when he was in the wilderness.
Turn stone to bread
These are the names of the two semesters in which we divide the year of Passion.
Semester of Withdrawal/Surrender
Before following Christ, Matthew was in this profession.
Tax Collector
Jesus was this many years old when his parents lost him on their return trip from Jerusalem during Passover.
John the Baptist carried out his ministry primarily in these two provinces.
Judea and Perea
The year of popularity is associated with this significant event in the life of John the Baptist.
These are the names of the three Feasts that Jesus visits Jerusalem for during the year of Passion.
Feast of Tents/Tabernacle
Feast of Dedication