This son of David was the second son born to Bathsheba.
Who is Solomon?
(2 Sam. 12)
This is the longest Psalm that speaks about God's Word.
What is Psalm 119?
This is the army David fought in his first battle.
Who are the Philistines?
(1 Chronicles 18:1)
This son of King Saul was David's closest friend.
Who is Jonathan?
(1 Sam 18:1-3)
This is the city where David was born.
What is Bethlehem?
(Luke 2:4)
This son of David avenged his sisters rape by having Amnon killed.
Who is Absalom?
(2 Sam. 13:28-29)
What is Psalm 23?
This man was whom David sent into battle to be murdered.
Who is Uriah the Hittite?
(2 Samuel 11:15-17)
This is the prophet who anointed David king over Israel.
Who is Samuel?
(1 Samuel 16:13)
This son of Jonathan sat at King David's table.
Who is Mephiboseth?
(2 Samuel 9:1-14)
This son of David was in the direct lineage of Jesus.
Who is Nathan?
(Luke 3:31)
This Psalm of David is known as his repentance from his sin with Bathsheba.
What is Psalm 51?
This is the first captain of David's army.
Who is Joab?
(1 Chronicles 11:6)
This woman is the daughter of Saul who saved David's life by hiding an image in his bed.
Who is Michal?
(1 Samuel 19:13)
This is how many brothers David had.
What is seven?
(1 Samuel 16:10)
This son of David conspired against his father and went into his father's concubines.
Who is Absolam?
(2 Samuel 15-16)
This Psalm of David speaks of God's omniscience and omnipotence.
What is Psalm 139?
This is how many mighty men David had.
What is 37?
(2 Samuel 23:8-39)
This woman was David's great grandmother.
Who is Ruth?
(Ruth 4:18-22)
This future wife of David's intervened on behalf of her husband Nabal because of his folly before David.
Who is Abigail?
(1 Samuel 25:3)
This son of David claimed to be the new king until Solomon was anointed king.
Who is Adonijah?
(1 Kings 1:5)
This Psalm of David speaks of the anguish of Christ's crucifixion.
What is Psalm 22?
This is the city in which David acted like a crazy man.
What is Gath?
(1 Samuel 21:12-15)
This is the place in the Bible that tells us David's mother's name.
What is nowhere?
(Not Found in the Bible)
This is the name God gave for Solomon at his birth.
Who is Jedidah?
(2 Samuel 12:24-25)