Rules of Engagement
Lock em Up
Goos and Gatorade
I Want the Fluffy Puppy
Give an example of a qualitative observation and a quantitative observation.
Qualitative- does not involve a measurable amount Quantitative- uses a measurable amount
True or False- Maggots appear from nothing on meat, showing that life generates spontaneously.
FALSE- The experiments of Redi and Pastuer showed that this was not the case. Life comes from Life.
Give an example of an autotroph and a heterotroph
Autotroph- makes own energy ex. grass, flowers, cyanobacteria Heterotroph- gets energy from others ex. zebra, humans, yeast
What is the probability of flipping a coin and getting tails?
This person traveled to the Galapagos as a naturalist and was the first scientist to propose "evolution."
Charles Darwin
List 3 of the 4 needs of living things.
Food, Living Space, Water, Stable Internal Conditions (homeostasis)
How did Robert Hooke help our understanding of cells?
Built and used a microscope to look at cells in cork. Named them cells after Monk's rooms.
What is Diffusion and how are Diffusion and Osmosis related?
Diffusion is movement of any substance from high concentration to low concentration. Osmosis is the diffusion of water.
Describe Mendel's experiment with pea plants. What did he do and what did he find out?
Mendel crossed pure bred tall with pure bred short plants to see how traits were passed on through generations. He found that in the F1 generation, all the plants were tall, while in the F2 generation, the short trait reappeared. This demonstrated the concept of dominance and the "lost trait."
Are Elephant Mice more closely related to Elephants or Mice- how do we know?
Elephants! We compared their DNA sequences to each other and saw how many differences were between each.
Look at the picture shown. Make 2 observations and 2 inferences about the picture
Observation- something you can objectively see or sense. Inference- an interpretation of observations.
Describe the role of ribosomes.
Protein Factories!
What are the starting reactants and end products of photosynthesis? What is its goal?
Starting Reactants: Sunlight, CO2 End Products: Glucose, O2 Goal: To take light energy from the sun and convert it into chemical energy (glucose)
Draw a punnet square for the cross between a heterozygous individual and a homozygous recessive individual.
see board.
Describe relative and radioactive dating- how does each work?
Relative Dating- use context clues to compare the ages of fossils and surrounding rocks Radioactive Dating- Use the relative amounts of elements and the known rates of decay to estimate the passage of time.
Identify 5 of the 6 characteristics of living things.
Cellular organization, chemicals of life, Energy use, Response to Surroundings, Growth and Development, Reproduction
Describe 2 structural differences between plant and animal cells.
1. Presence of cell wall 2. Presence of chloroplasts 3. Size and function of vacuoles
What is the goal of respiration and what is necessary for it to work?
Goal- To take chemical energy (glucose) and turn it into usable energy (ATP) What is Necessary? Oxygen
Define the terms meiosis and mitosis. How are they different? How are they the same?
Mitosis = Cell division Meiosis = Production of Gametes Both use the same stages (interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase) but mitosis produces 2 clones while meiosis produces 4, genetically unique cells.
Use the Channel Islands as an example of how new species form from a common ancestor. Give at least 2 specific organisms found on the islands.
New species form when a portion of the population is isolated from the rest and develop different characteristics over time. Examples of organisms include: Pygmy Mammoth, Island Fox, Island Oak, Island Scrub Jay
This is how Megan got Kiva (her dog)
Adopted her from Bryan's cousin.
Name the 3 tenants of cell theory.
1. All Living things are made of cells. 2. Cells are the basic structure and Function of Life. 3. All cells are produced from other cells (Life from Life)
Where is the energy in molecules, such as glucose or other carbohydrates, stored?
The Chemical Bonds.
Describe specifically how mutations affect protein synthesis and why they can create differences in individuals.
MUtations are a change in the sequence of nitrogen bases in the DNA of an organism. Each triplet of nitrogen bases encodes for a specific amino acid, which will combine with others around it to create proteins. Proteins control everything- so a different protein means an organism may show differences.
What do we use mitochondrial DNA for evolution research rather than DNA in the nucleus?
Mitochondrial DNA does not get replicated or divided as often and therefore has fewer random mutations than nuclear DNA.