I brush my teeth with
When I get to work I need to check my schedule?
Yes or No
When you bump into someone you should say
sorry, excuse me
Use___________words when you talk to people
I feel__________
(any emotion word)
I brush my hair with
hair brush
I can take a break after I finish my________
Job or work
When you are angry you should use your__________strategies
If you feel angry, you can talk about your_________
I go_______with_______.
(place, person)
place, person
I wash my clothes in the
Washing machine
If I am late I need to call the
When you need attention or a walk you should step in front of two people talking and interrupt, or wait?
If you need help now with work and it is not an emergency you should
a.Wait then ask for help
wait your turn and then ask for help
Say "How are you?"
Use the student's name
Use pictures in Communication book
Student Said "How are you (name)"
I Dry my clothes in
the dryer
When I do my job I earn a
paycheck, break, reward, chromebook
If someone yells at you you should tell someone you trust, yes or no?
Yes, tell some one you trust
It is sometimes okay to eavessdrop when other people are talking, yes or no
No, its none of your business when other people have a quiet conversation
Use Pecs or words to ask for a break
"I want" and "Chrome" put on strip and handed to teacher.
I put my napkin on my_________when I am eating
I need to have a____________attitude at work
If your boss or teacher says it is time to work, it is okay to scream and yell at them, yes or no?
When you are mad it is okay to raise your voice at the person you are mad at, yes or no