Learning How To Learn
Time Management and Goals
Thinking Errors
Finanical Stewardship
Perseverance & Deep Learning

A Scripture that talks about learning

D&C 97:1


Share a Time Management Strategy

E.G. Start, Stop, Continue 

What do you need to start doing that you are not currently doing?

What do you need to stop doing that you are currently doing?

What should you continue doing?


What is a thinking Error

Thinking errors are failures in judgment that are caused by stress.

summarise a scripture story about financial hardship and how we can apply it to our lives
for example the story of Pharaoh's dreams

Application - imposes upon you the responsibility to take certain steps during years of plenty to protect you and your family from financial hardship when it comes your way


Tell us about a time when you persevered. How did you feel after the event?

Your Choice


Identify the Mindset:-

Challenges = avoid

Obstacles = give up easily

Effort = see effort as fruitless or worse

Fixed Mindset

A scripture that talks about goals

  •  “I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded.”
  • “I did frankly forgive them” (1 Nephi 7:21).
  • “I sat pondering in my heart” (1 Nephi 11:1).
  • “I, Nephi, did exhort my brethren, with all diligence, to keep the commandments of God” (1 Nephi 16:4)
  • “I, Nephi, did strive to keep the commandment of the Lord” (1 Nephi 17:15)
  • “I did pray oft unto the Lord” (1 Nephi 18:3)
  • “I did look unto my God, and I did praise him all the day long; and I did not murmur against the Lord because of mine afflictions” (1 Nephi 18:16)
  • “I did liken all scriptures unto us, that it might be for our profit and learning” (1 Nephi 19:23)
  • “I know in whom I have trusted” (2 Nephi 4:19)
  • “We talk of Christ we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins” (2 Nephi 25:26)

Name a scripture that talks about the role of boredom

2 nephi 28:24
“Wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!”


Name an effective budgeting systems (there are many!!)

examples include

use a bdugeting worksheet like excel

A budgeting app

Envelope system


What is the Golden Circle

the power of knowing your why, or purpose. Knowing your why helps you to decide how to act, which will then help you know exactly what kinds of things to do


Name 2 Learning Strategies (Bonus point if you explain how you applied a strategy to your life)

  • Create Clues
  • Form Good Habits
  • Learn to Ask Good Questions
  • Make Your Brain Work Hard
  • Recognize and Act on Promptings from the Holy Ghost
  • Teach to Learn
  • Use Distributed Learning
  • Use The Time Management Matrix

What is the acronym for setting goals?






Time Bound


Stress: Julia feels rejected by a group of popular women at her work.

Thinking error: Julia copes with her feelings of rejection by characterizing the popular women as shallow and unfeeling. “They aren’t good enough to be my friends anyway,” she reasons in her mind.



How much should you put into your emergency fund?

Financial advisors generally urge people to put away the financial equivalent of 3–6 months worth of total living costs for emergency situations


What 3 things increases deep learning

  1. Know and understand
  2. Take effective, righteous action
  3. Become more like our Heavenly Father

What are the 3 Key Steps of the Learning Model


Teach One Another

Ponder and Prove


What are the 4 key relationships in our lives?

1. With God

2. With Our families

3. With Our Fellow Man

4. With Ourselves


Name 5 thinking errors

Victimisation, pride, entitlement, Powerlessness, giving up, justification, scarcity mentality, People pleasing, minimise/catastrophise, deceit


What order should the following be in to be self-relient

1. we pay the Lord First (Pay Tithes/offerings)

2. Then we pay for our current needs/wants (pay current living expenses)

3. we pay for our future selves second (build financial security)

4. We receive money (receive income)

4. We receive money (receive income)

1. we pay the Lord First (Pay Tithes/offerings)

3. we pay for our future selves second (build financial security)

2. Then we pay for our current needs/wants (pay current living expenses)


Name 2 things that can help you persevere

examples could include

knowing your why

dealing with disappointment

keep moving once you have stepped into the unknown

Make good choices


What are the 5 principles of the Learning Model

  • Exercise faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • Teach by the Spirit.
  • Lay hold on the word of God.
  • Take action.
  • Love, serve and teach one another

What is the goal hierarchy (name the levels)


Top-Level Goals

Mid-Level Goals

Lower-Level Goals


What is B.L.A.H.S.T.

A Condition that makes you more likely to commit a thinking error.

Bored, Lonely, Angry, Hungry, Stressed, Tired


what are the principles of the financial stewardship success map

1. pay tithes and offerings

2. protect your family from hardship

3. eliminate debt

4. save and invest for the future

5. continue to give and bless others


Each team member to find a scripture that helps them persevere or find comfort

examples could include:-

D&C 88:63 (draw near unto me)

D&C 88:67 (your whole bodies shall be filled with light)

Alma 7:12 (he will take upon him their infirmities)
