Life Skills #1
Life Skills #2
Life Skills #3
Life Skills #4
Life Skills #5
True or False. It is important to learn how to calculate and receive correct change from a clerk in a store.
What is True.
True or False. It is okay to yell "fire" in a public place when there is not a real fire.
What is False. Do not yell "fire" unless there is a real fire and you or others are in danger.

When you see a sign that states "Garage Sale" or "Yard Sale" with an address, does it mean that they are selling their garage or yard OR that they are selling items they do not want or need any more?

What is they are selling items that they do not want or need any more.

True or False. Be on your worst behavior when in public.
What is False. You should be on your best behavior when in public.

True or False. Do not talk about how mucus looks or feels in the throat or looks in your tissue.

What is True.

True or False. When you get on an elevator, always stand facing the back or towards the sides of the elevator; do not face the doors.
What is False - You should always face the doors.

Should you clap after a play, movie, or a funeral? Choose the best answer.

What is a play.

True of False. When trying on shoes in a store, you do not need to wear socks.
What is False. You need to wear socks or borrow some from the store employees.
True or False. You should not walk up and start talking to someone who is on the phone.
What is True.

When you blow your nose you should blow it standing in the middle of the room and making a scene or you should blow it discreetly and as quietly as possible.

What is you should blow it discreetly and as quietly as possible.


True or False. Whisper when inside a movie theater.

What is true.

True or False. It is a good general rule not to do in real life what people do on television or in the movies.
What is True.
True or False. You should not tell the man at the grocery store that he is big and fat even if you think he is.
What is True.
When you answer the phone say, _______. Before you hang up the phone say, ________.
What is hello and goodbye.
True or False. You should sneeze in your hand and then shake hands with someone.
What is False. Do not sneeze in your hand and then shake hands with someone. Wash your hands first.

True or False. When other seats are available in the theater, leave a space between yourself and a stranger.

What is True.

True or False. When out in the community, you should never hold doors open for someone older than you or when someone is close behind you.
What is False. You should hold doors open for someone older than you or when someone is close behind you.

True or False. While in the doctor's waiting room, it is okay to ask people why they are waiting to see the doctor or tell them in detail why you are there.

What is False. You should not ask people why they are waiting to see the doctor or tell them in detail why you are there.

True or False. It is okay to call people early in the morning or late at night.
What is false. You should not call people early in the morning or late at night.

True or False. When you walk up to or walk by someone's house don't look in through the windows or doors.

What is True.


True or False. If you are given the wrong amount of money back in a restaurant or store you should yell at the person for the correct money.

What is False. You should tell them CALMLY that you recieved the wrong change. In most cases, it is an accident.

True or False. At sporting events, it is normal to stand and cheer throughout the game. Do not stand the entire time unless everyone else does.
What is True.

When you lose something in a store and cannot find it, should you ask for the lost and found department OR scream and cry until someone helps you.

What is ask the lost and found department, which is usually located in the customer service area of the store.

True or False. When taking a phone message, it is important to write down the name, number, time of call, and what the person wants.
What is True. It is okay to ask the caller to repeat what he or she said or to talk a little slower.

If you are knocking on the door or ringing the doorbell and nobody answers the door you should leave and come back later OR let yourself in even if the door is open or unlocked.

What is leave and come back later.
