General Safety
Stranger Danger
Healthy Habits

You are home alone and there is an earthquake

go to a safe place like the bathroom or stand in a doorway. Put on news or radio or check online for local information.


Dinner in the oven is burning and the smoke alarm is going off.

Turn off oven immediately, close oven door, locate fire extinguisher, check if food is on fire, call 911 if there is a fire in oven


Your dish towel was to close to the stove and catches on fire

Determine if it is small throw water on it or move into sink and drench and/or use a fire extinguisher. If it is out of control call fire department.


If you get lost who is a SAFE stranger you can ask for help

police officer, employee at a nearby store, people in uniform (firefighter, mailman etc.),


True or false: you burn more calories sleeping than you do watching TV



You come home and notice your front door is open/ left ajar.

Retreat from house to a safe location (neighbors or friends), call family to see if they are home, if unsure call 911 for a safety check 


You smell gas in the kitchen

Check your stove if it is a gas stove and turn off gas and/or call fire company leave the home is directed to do so


The shower is clogged and the drain is backed up

See if you can remove the clog on your own and/or purchase a product to pour down drain like DRANO that can decrease the clog and/or ask a friend for advice/help call a plumber if you cant take care of it yourself.


What should you do if someone you don't know is attempting to follow you

run to a public place that is open, yell for help, defend yourself, ask for help from safe stranger


How many hours should you sleep each night?

9-12 hours


A burning candle catches the drapes on fire. The whole wall is burning.

Run out of house immediately yelling "FIRE" so any others can also leave. Call 911. get to safety


There is a puddle of water on the kitchen floor

Clean it up decide where you think the water came from If there is a leak call a plumber


Your washing machine is overflowing and water is spilling out of the top.

Turn it off and/or unplug the appliance clean of the water on the floor try it again and make sure it works. If not call an expert.


What information should you not share with someone you just met

your phone number, address, personal information (last name, social media handles etc.)


What type of vitamin do you receive from the sun?

Vitamin D


you drop a glass and it breaks all over the kitchen floor

Make sure you have shoes on Sweep it up carefully and dispose in the trash. Vacuum for any small pieces you may have missed.


You are cooking bacon on the stove and the grease catches fire

Do not put water on a grease fire! Turn off flame. Cover with metal lid. If small fire, use baking soda to smother fire. Use fire extinguisher, call 911 if flame continues


You want to use the blender, what safety precautions should you take before and after you use the blender

Leave blender off and unplugged while loading it with food, keep lid fully secured, turn off and unplug before putting hands near blender, assure that the blade has stopped moving


You're at a party, and a person you have never met says they can bring you home and says they know your friend, what should you do?

Decline the ride, call for ride share or close family or friend to pick you up


How often should someone exercise per week?

5 days a week, approximately 30 minutes each


You burn your arm and it left a red mark

Run under cold water and use neosporin on it Put a band aid on. If it blisters talk to an adult or call your doctor.


There is low water pressure from your kitchen water faucet. It is coming out very slowly.

Check your water heater and pipes to assess for blockage or leak, call a plumber


You are using a blow dryer to do your hair in the bathroom, what precautions should you take

do not rest hair dryer in sink, do not place near any water, remove plug from outlet when finished, do not put directly on hair.


You ordered a ride share, what safety precautions should you take prior to entering

Make sure license plate and vehicle make and model match with app, ask driver's name prior to entering vehicle, check to make sure child locks are not activated on door, Share ride information/location with family or close friend


How many cups of water should you consume a day

8-12 cups of water
