Social Skills
Hygiene/social skills
Health/social skills
Safety/social skills
True or False: If I really need something, it's okay to show up at my friend's house without calling first.
What is False. You should always call before showing up at someone's house, in case they are busy or sleeping.

Name a reindeer with a red nose


I just burped or tooted in the middle of a silent room. I should do this.
What is say excuse me!
TRUE or FALSE It is okay to drink pepsi with every meal, as long as I don't eat as much that day.
What is FALSE. You should limit your soda intake and drink more water!!

True or False I really like going to the park bymyself. I notice a stranger following me. What should I do?

I should immedialtly run to the nearest adult to let them know. I can use my phone to call 911.


When I arrive in class, I should have what?

I should be prepared, have all my materials ready


When is the first day of winter?

It's today! December 20, 2020.

Before cooking, after using the bathroom, or after touching anything dirty I should do this.
What is wash my hands with soap.

To be polite when I'm in a video call for school I should do this ____.

Keep my microphone muted and turn on my camera


I like hanging out with my friends after school. One of my friends wants to go to Target to steal some candy. What should I do?

What is kindly let them know you are uncomfortable and therfore not going to go. You can let their parents know to avoid them from going to jail.


True or False When someone does not quickly respond to my hand being raised, I should repeatedly call on them or waive my hand side to side to get the teachers attention.

What is False. They may be busy, and repeatedly calling/waiving my hand would be annoying and frustrating to others.


What is another name for Winter Solstice?

The first day of winter


True or False. If I dont brush my teeth daily my teeth will rot and fall off.

What is True. You should ALWAYS brush!!!


True or false I can NOT stop thinking about my new dog. I should tell everybody about it every time I think about it.

What is False. It is great that you are excited! You can think about it all the time if you want to! But, it might be annoying to your friends if you repeat the same thing over and over.


Whose phone number should you have memorized?

My parents

If someone is different from me, and does things that appear strange like rocking back and forth or talks to himself, this is how I should react.
What is be friendly. Everyone is different, and that is okay.

On what day is there the least amount of sunlight?

The first day of winter


Not taking a shower everyday can make me stinky and everyone will be able to smell me.

What is True. You should shower everyday.

This is how many meals I should eat each day.
What is 3. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Small, healthy snacks in between are okay such as carrots or fruit.

I met this really nice person when I was by myself and they asked me to get in the car with them because they have a special surprise. I should

What is say "no thanks" and walk away immediately.


True or False:  When we are learning from home, it's okay to extra comfortable like laying down, being in my pajamas and eating.

False:  Try to behave like you are in school.


On what day is there the most amount of daylight?

The first day of summer

My breath is starting to stink. I can feel food stuck in my teeth. I should do this.
What is brush my teeth. (every day)

I should exercise A. Once a month B. 2-3 times a week C. 2-3 times a month D. Every hour

What is B.


I DON'T like what we are doing today in class! This is boring! I should react by doing this.

What is try it anyway, when I'm with my friends anything can be fun.
