
Accepting Compliments 

What would you say/do if someone told you that they liked your shirt?

1. Look at the person

2. Thank the person 

3. Speak clearly

4. Accept the compliment as true 


Expressing Gratitude.

Your parent makes a dinner that you don't like, would you?

A. Refuse to eat dinner
B. Eat it but pout about it
C. Look at your parent, smile and thank them for preparing the meal
D. Sarcastically say "wow my favorite meal" and roll your eyes



Asking Permission

How do you appropriately ask permission?

1. Decide exactly what is is you want to do
2. Go to the person in charge
3. State your request in the form of a question
4. Comply with the answer 


Conversation Skills

Which are NOT good convo skills?
A. Interrupting others 
B. Using eye contact
C. Showing an interest in others
D. Mumbling when you talk

A & D


Emotional/Impulse Control

What can you do to prevent yourself from losing your EIC

Answers vary


Accepting Consequences

Give an example of an inappropriate and an appropriate response if your parent tells you to unload the dishwasher due to being disrespectful to them.

1. Look at the person
2. Acknowledge them
3. Maintain body posture
4. Maintain facial expressions
5. Comply


Showing Respect in Public

If you are out shopping in Target, which option is an appropriate way to act?
A. Yell across the store
B. You break something and don't tell anyone
C. You finish your Starbucks drink and just leave it on a shelf instead of throwing it away
D. None of the above 



Following Instructions 

Give an example of an inappropriate response when your parent asks you to do something 

*answers vary


Greeting/Departure Skills

How do you typically greet others and how what do you do when they leave?

Answers vary but should follow the life skills direction sheet



Think about your spring break, can you think of a possible scenario where you could show good leadership skills? 

*answers vary*


Accepting Criticism 

You are about to go to church but your parent tells you that they don't think your outfit is appropriate for church. What is the best way to respond?

A. Look at them, roll your eyes and tell them you are not changing.  
B. Look at them, acknowledge what they said and change your clothes-discussing it at an appropriate time if you disagree. 
C. Ignore them and go to church in that outfit.
D. Ask them "how is this not appropriate?" and tell them that you aren't going to church.  



Showing Sensitivity to Others

You prank a family member and they later tell you that it hurt their feelings. How would you respond?

1. Express interest/concern for others

2. Apologize for hurting someone's feelings or causing harm  


Disagreeing Appropriately 

You left a plate in the sink and your parent gives you a day full of work duties, but you think it is an unfair discipline, how would you disagree appropriately?

1. Wait until a neutral time
2. Look at the person
3. Use a pleasant tone
4. Emphasize/sympathize with the other party
5. Tell why you feel differently


Guest Skills

You are in the middle of watching TV when a guest comes into your house, what do you do?

1. Stop what you are doing
2. Stand up
3. Smile and acknowledge guest
4. Offer them a seat and something to drink



What happens if you are dishonest to your parents (or anyone else)? 

*all answers are correct


Accepting no

You ask your parent to take you shopping but they tell you no because they already made plans to go see family. What is the appropriate reaction?

A. "But you said we could go shopping today."
B. "Ugh I hate going to see family."
C. "Why?"
D. "Okay, maybe we can go another day?"



Showing Respect

Your parent is on the phone and you are watching TV very loudly so they ask you to turn the volume down, what would you say/do?

*answers vary


Volunteering/Offering to Help

When was the last time you volunteered/offered to help and what did you do?

*answers vary


Time Management
What is an example of good time management?

A. Your parent tells you that you need to be ready to go in 30 minutes but you still have not gotten ready

B. You know it takes you a while to get ready for church in the morning so you set your alarm a little bit earlier 

C. You have been asked to complete your chores before all the guests arrive but you wait to start them 30 minutes before they get there.



Problem Solving

You want to watch one movie but your parent wants to watch a different one. How could you solve this problem?

*answers vary*

"We can watch the movie you wanna watch tonight and then tomorrow can we watch mine?"

"Can we find a movie we both agree on?"

"What if we played a game instead?"


Taking/Accepting Responsibility 

Parent asks you to take the chicken out of the freezer in the morning so it can defrost during the day, but it is almost dinner time and you realize you didn't take it out. What do you do/say?

*answers vary
