Self Advocacy
Peer Pressure
Report Vs Tattling
Conflict Resolution

Self-advocacy is... 

What is... 

To communicate your needs, stand up for what you need and what you want


Which statement is false?

  1. Preparations for future situations are helpful to avoid pressured situations

  2. Once you reach adulthood, you will not experience adult hood

  3. Peer pressure is often thought of in negative terms even though it can be positive 

B. Once you reach adulthood, you will not experience adult hood


True or False: Consenting and asking for consent are all about setting your personal boundaries and respecting those of your partner — and checking in if things aren’t clear.



What does tattling mean? - OR - What is an example of tattling?

What is... Informing a trusted adult of a situation that might get someone in trouble but may not cause immediate harm 


Constructive Feedback is... 

What is... 

  • Offers specific, actionable recommendations

  • CHAD (Clear, Honest, Actional, Direct)


You are taking a test and the student next to you is making noises and your teacher tells you to stop. What can you do?

What is... 

Raise your hand, ask your teacher if you can move seats, let your teacher know


 Give an example of positive/ good peer pressure. 

What is... 

Your friend wants you to try out for the basketball team with them


What is the name of the organization that serves as a medical and educational resource for reproductive and sexual healthcare?

Planned Parenthood


What does reporting mean? - OR - What is the difference between reporting and tattling?

What is... Informing a trusted adult of a situation that may cause harm and to keep someone safe


What are three examples of things that can influence someone's perspective?

Gender/Race/Personality/Social Class/Experiences/Age/Motivation/Implicit Bias


The building blocks for being able to self-advocate are... 

What is... 

Know yourself (strengths/values); Know your needs; Know how to get what you need (formulate a plan)


True or False. Giving into Peer pressure means a person will fit in and feel better about themselves. 



What does F.R.I.E.S stand for?

Consent is: Freely given, Reversible, Informed, Enthusiastic, Specific


Scenario: You are in class and someone took your seat and you tell your teacher. Is this reporting or tattling?



What are three specific communication strategies you can use to manage conflict?

Active listening / Acknowledge feelings / Use open-ended questions / Summarize the other person’s main points / Use “I” statements


The self-advoacy skill of asking questions is important for …

Clarifying directions/instructions, learning and gaining understanding


True or False. Foresight is the ability to think ahead and anticipate situations and reactions.



What are three tips for building healthy relationships?

Love yourself, Communicate, Give each other some space, Be Honest


Scenario: You are a freshman in college and you live in a dorm room with one other student. You come home late Friday night and you see your roommate had thrown up and they are now lying on their bed and not answering your questions. What should you do?  

make sure they are breathing, Call campus security, call 911, 



What are two ways we can cope with conflict in the moment?

Take a deep breath / Walk away / Try to write down your thoughts / Ask for help from a mediator


Give 2 examples of how you can self-advocate in college

What is... 

Dorm preferences, going to the health center when sick, asking your roommate to turn off the lights at a certain time,


Fill in the blank: Peer pressure is when you feel pressure to do something you wouldn’t otherwise do for the (BLANK) and (BLANK) of your peers.

Attention, Acceptance


You’ve been dating your partner for 6 months and they begin trying to control who you see, what you do, and limit your access to friends and family. They get angry when you’re not able to spend time with them and start saying hurtful and manipulative things like “you give your friends more attention than me.” You’re feeling like this is becoming an unhealthy relationship and identify this specific behavior as…



You got a new job at Target and one of the members of your team continues showing up to work late. Each time they’re late, they text you and ask if you can cover their responsibilities until they arrive. Each time your coworker thanks you and brings you coffee, but this has gone on for a week and you’re starting to slip with your responsibilities. What should you do?

Stand up to your coworker, and mention that if it does not stop you will have to bring it up to your supervisor 


 Name three skills we use during conflict resolution.

Cooperation, perspective-taking, communication
