Name the most important item to take to college if you share a bathroom.
-bathroom shoes
Who wants to be a teacher?
Kristin and Gracie
If the professor doesn't take role, should you just skip friday classes?
No. Go to class!
Who's favorite food is "food?"
If you are in a public setting, and have a cup of liquid, and need to go to the bathroom, what do you do with your drink?
Take it with you. Never let it leave your sight.
What is the one essential item you need to have in a dorm that has a common laundry room?
A laundry basket with wheels
Who wants to be an engineer, data scientist, or medical researcher
When is it OK to buy your research paper?
Who's favorite food is donuts?
Someone calls your dorm, (apartment, house) and states that they are with Duke Energy and you need to give them you credit card number immediately or you lights will be cut off, what do you do?
Hang up
If you have a fever, feel achy, can't hold food down or in, what do you do?
Immediately go to student health, urgent care or at least call home.
Who wants to be a freeloader
If your phone rings during class, what is the best way to answer it?
Who's favorite food is shrimp tacos?
If the sheets on your bed are dirty, what do you do?
Wash them.
Who wants to be a physical therapist
Who will send you cookies next year, if you send the address?
Mrs. Busbee
Who is allergic to special K?
If you are going to APP or somewhere else it gets very cold, what should you set your thermostat on when you go home for break?
55 (or whatever the building manager says)
How often should you shower?
once a day
Who wants to be an investment banker?
Who plays multiple instruments?