Healthy Habits
Problem Solving
Household Chores

What should you eat to stay healthy and strong?

You should eat fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and low fat dairy.


How can you show kindness to a friend who is sad?

You can listen to them express what is making them sad, just sit with them, ask them if they need anything and sometimes a note or card to tell them you are thinking about them.


What is the first thing you should do when you have a problem?

The first thing you should do is identify what the problem is and find out the root of the problem.


What is one household chore you can help with at home?

You can make your bed, put laundry in the hamper, put clean laundry away, sweep, vacuum, clean your room, take out the garbage...


What is one way you can stay safe when using scissors?

You shouldn't run with scissors, or horseplay with them. You should keep fingers away from the blades. Use the right size scissors for the job.


Why is it important to brush your teeth everyday?

Brushing your teeth can prevent gum disease and gets rid of germs that can cause cavities. It also keeps your breath smelling good and keeps your teeth white.


What should you do if you and a friend disagree on something?

You can agree to disagree, try and compromise, respect the other point of view and try and understand.


How can taking deep breaths help you calm down when frustrated?

It can calm your nerves down and gives you time to relax when feeling frustrated before acting on a problem.


Why is it important to keep your room clean and tidy?

If your room is tidy, you can find things you need. If it is clean, it won't get smelly, your clothes will get washed if they are in the laundry hamper, you won't trip over thing that are on the floor.


What is the first thing you should do when you hear the fire alarm go off?

You should get up and walk out of the building to the designated spot.


How many hours of sleep should you get each night to feel your best?

Teenagers should get 9 to 9.5 hours a night.


Why is it important to listen to your friends when they are talking?

It is important to listen to friends when talking to show that you care about what they are saying. It also helps you to understand their point of view.


What can you do if you forget something at home that you needed at school?

You could call someone at home and see if they could bring it. You could explain the situation to the teacher. If it's lunch money, you could let the lunch staff know and they may be able to help. You may just have to deal with not having it for the day.


How can you help your family with meal preparation?

You could set the table, get out any salad dressing or condiments, work together with making a salad, or any other thing a parent feels you could help with. 


What are some safety rules here at the house?

Don't run in the house, watch where you are going, don't run with scissors, careful when plugging in items, listen carefully to directions, use pot holders when putting things in the oven, don't walk behind someone when the oven door is open.


What are some ways that you can prevent from spreading germs?

You can wash your hands, use a tissue,  and stay home when sick.


How can you help a friend who is feeling left out?

You could try and include them in the activity if that is possible. You could talk to them and make plans to do something different with them.


Why is it important to ask for help when you need it?

You may need the help of an adult to deal with the problem. Instead of being stuck it can help you move on. You can also get another perspective of how to do something.


What should you do after you are using your toys, or other items in the house?

You should put things back where you got them so if you or someone else needs the item you can find it easily. It will also help clear any clutter.


When walking in the parking lot, what are some things you should do to be safe?

You should stay with the group, watch for cars, watch where you are walking and listen for directions.


Name three healthy snacks you can eat during the day?

Fruit, nuts, veggie sticks, hummas, yogurt, granola bar


What is one way you can make new friends at school?

You could introduce yourself to someone. You could invite them to sit with you at lunch if they are by themselves. You could work together on a school project. You can strike up a conversation and ask them questions if they seem interested in talking.


Name two ways you can solve a problem when you are feeling worried.

Ask yourself if there is anything you can do to help solve the problem. If so, come up with a plan and work on it. If you can't do anything about it, you can talk about it with someone to help cope with the feelings.


Name three things you can do to help with cleaning up after dinner?

You can help clear your dishes, put them in the dishwasher or offer to help wash. You could put the condiments away. You can also clean and dry the table. You could also take out the garbage if needed.


Why is listening to directions considered a safety rule?

If you are not listening, you may miss important information. You may not here a warning or know where we are going.
