Small Appliances
Caution in the Kitchen
Personal Hygiene
How are you feeling?
Money, Money, Money

Name 2 large kitchen appliances that can get VERY hot in the kitchen once turned on.

Stove, Oven


What is the rectangle shape called where you plug in an appliance?



Why is it unsanitary to pick at your skin, a scab, nails, etc., while in class or in public?

Where can you take care of these matters?

Spreading germs

Others see you and think you're unclean

People can tell others and point at you

Take care of such matters in the bathroom and at home.


What should you do if you feel nauseous, have a stomach ache or are very hot and sweaty and you're at school or in public?

Get to a bathroom or nearest garbage can if you're going to vomit or get to a bathroom immediately if your stomach is gurgling like you must go to the bathroom. NEVER just stand in one place and wait for your body to be sick! 


Where should you keep your money when you're out in the community.  (Movie Theater, Mall, Carnival, Target)

In your wallet or purse


Name 2 small appliances that you have to plug in to use in the kitchen.

Coffee Machine, Toaster, Blender, Hand Mixer, Mini Cuisinart, Waffle Iron, Espresso Machine


What should you use to take something HOT out of the oven or microwave?



Why is it important to COVER you yawn while in class or around people you socialize with?

Germs, bad breath, disrespectful, makes a poor impression of you, people think you need more sleep


What should you do if you smell a terrible odor and start to gag like you're going to vomit?

EXCUSE yourself immediately and go to a bathroom or get fresh air.


What should you ask for after buying something at a store?

A receipt


What should you do before plugging in any appliance or anything that requires electricity? 

Make sure your hands are dry and you push the plug all the way into the outlet.


Tell 3 things you should be very careful with when using the stove top.

How high you turn up the flames

Reaching across the stove when cooling

Keeping pot/pan handles turned in even with the stove.


Name 3 things you should do AFTER eating lunch at a cafeteria or restaurant and tell WHY.

Wipe crumbs from your area into your hands.  Wipe hand/mouth with a napkin.

Go to the bathroom and rinse your mouth then wash your hands

Make sure you don't have any food on your face, in your teeth, hands, clothing.

If food is on your face/hands, or on your clothing, people will think you're messy and may not want to eat by you.


What should you do if you're out and about, meet friends in the community or in school and are in a bad mood.

Tell people nicely that you need to be alone.

Tell your friends you don't want to talk about it but still hang out with them.

Go to an adult or the school nurse if you're feeling terribly sad and don't know what's causing it.


What does 'CORRECT CHANGE ONLY' mean and where are you most likely to see this?

You can ONLY pay with the exact amount of money requested.  ex: NJ Transit Bus Fare  The bus driver doesn't give change.


Describe how to use a Blender

prepare ingredients (wash, cut, core, etc.)

Put Blender parts together

Add LIQUID to blender, then fruit, etc.

Choose type of blend, and push button

Clean up counters, food, blender, kitchen tools/counter


Name steps to take when cleaning up spilled liquid on the kitchen floor.   

Let everyone in the kitchen know that there is a spill and where it is.

Get a dry mop or paper towels depending on the size of the spill

Wipe/dry the area until completely dry

Clean up/put away whatever you used and WASH YOUR HANDS!  


What do you need to do to your hands/fingers besides just washing them for GOOD hygiene?

CUT YOUR NAILS SHORT and keep them that way. 

Use a fingernail brush when washing hands if you get dirt and 'stuff' under your nails even if you keep them short.


You have your shoes on and when you walk your toes hurt badly.  What should you check and who should you tell?

Check to see if your shoe might be too small

Check your TOE NAILS and see if they need to be cut!

Tell your parents/guardians


Name 3 places people get money from each month.

Jobs (in or out of the community);  The Federal Government;  Allowance from their parents;  Withdrawing money from their bank account


Name 6 things you can safely toast in a regular toaster along with possible toppings

English muffin, bread(s) frozen waffles, toaster strudel, frozen pancakes, bagels, (frozen or fresh)

Toppings:  jellies, nutella, peanut butter, butter, cream cheese, whipped cream, blended fruits


Is it safe to open the oven door while something is cooking inside?  Tell why or why not

Yes it is safe.  First open the door letting a small blast of hot air escape.  Next, use your oven mitts to gently pull the oven rack out or slide a pan out to check whatever it is you're cooking/baking.


Name 5 things YOU should be doing for yourself after you get up in the morning.

Shower or washing up, Packing your backpack (the night before and putting it by the door)

Brushing/flossing your teeth

Picking out and putting on Clothes/shoes

Making your bed, putting dirty clothes in the hamper

Getting your breakfast/cleaning up after you eat


You're on a bus ride to a school event. The bus is bouncing a lot and you start to sweat and your mouth begins to salivate.  What should you do immediately?

Tell an adult,  Get a plastic bag if possible, get to the garbage can on the bus with the adults help

Explain why you should make a shopping list BEFORE you go shopping.

To get an idea of how much money you need with you.

So you can remember what items you need to buy at the store.

So you won't buy things you don't need.
