
Should you proofread your email before sending it?

Yes! Always proofread your email before hitting send. This way you won't have any spelling mistakes. You should also check to make sure you have spelled everything out and have not used any texting slang (i.e. use you instead of U). You should also check to make sure that you are sending the message to the right person.


What should you do if your professor refuses to give you one of your accommodations in your letter?

Talk to the accessibility center because it is the professor's job to make the class accessible for you with the accessibility centers helps.


Is it important to get an accommodation letter written up?

Yes! It is very important because the professors must follow that letter and give you all the accommodations in it. In university if you want an accommodation it is best if it is written in a letter from the accessibility center.


Is pulling an all nighter a good idea?

No, you will just be tired the next day and your eyes may be tired as well. Plus, whatever work you had done won't be your best work because you were working all night.


What is a good way to make sure people understand what you are saying?

Look for ways to clarify or rephrase what you are trying to say so it can be understood.


Should you leave the subject bar blank?

No! Never leave the subject bar blank. This tells the person what your email is about and how urgent the matter is. They will organize their inbox accordingly.


What should you do when a professor doesn't implement your accommodations?

The first thing to do is to talk to the professor yourself and try to get things sorted out. If you have talked to the professor multiple times and they haven't done anything then you will have to go to the accessibility center and they will talk to your professor on your behalf.


Should you have a meeting with your professor to go over your accommodation letter?

This is your decision to make. If you are self proficient then you might choose not to meet with the professor as you don't need that much from them. You may have some accommodations that you have to talk to your professor about such as audio recording their lectures or taking photos of the chalk boards etc. The accessibility center encourages you to talk with your professor about your accommodations in the letter.


How long is the recommended time for a nap?

About 30 mins. This will give you a bit more energy as well as refreshing your eyes.


When you are talking to someone and they ask you something what should you do? Should you say the first thing that comes to mind? 

Think before you speak. Take a moment to think about what you are going to say and how you will say it.


How should you address someone in an email?

Never use the person's first name unless they say you can. instead use Ms. Last Name, Mr. Last Name. If you are emailing your professor they will usually put how they want to be addressed in the syllabus (Dr. Last Name, First Name, Professor Last Name).


What should you do about handouts given in class?

You should talk to the professor at the beginning of the semester and tell him what your needs are for handouts (i.e. large copies, digital, etc.).


Who should you go to for technology options that may help you?

Either the technology person at the accessibility center or go to your local CNIB and talk to the assistive technologist.


What should you not do before going to bed?

You should never eat before going to bed or finish doing homework right before bed. Have a bedtime routine where you transfer from doing homework or your daily activities to getting ready for bed. Read a book or listen to relaxing music.


What should you do to prepare for a meeting/conversation with a professor or someone important?

Should always make note of the topics you would like to discuss. This way you will cover all the topics without it being too structured and there is room for flexibility.


How should the email be structured?

Introduction which states your reason for contacting, Body details the information you are trying to convey, Conclusion will wrap up your email and include whether you will contact them in the future or if you would like them to contact you.


What should you do before talking to your professor about an issue in class?

Come up with a resolution that may work. Then talk to the professor to see if they can implement that.


What are a few accommodations the accessibility center advocate for you?

Extension on assignments, accommodations for tests/exams, assigned seating, audio recording of classes, etc.


Should you keep a regular sleep schedule even on the weekend?

Yes. You should not vary them more than two hours. Larger variations can have the same effects as getting less than normal amounts of sleep.


What is the best way to present the information with respect to language and wording?

Use simple straight forward language.


Why should you use emailing when contacting someone?

Emailing is a great way to contact busy people like professors if the matter isn't urgent (they will answer you when they have time). This also gives both parties a hard copy of what was discussed (everyone has a record). This comes in handy when proving that someone has agreed to something and good back up if they don't fall through with something.


How would you approach a professor to ask for help or talk about an accommodation?

You could catch up with the professor after class and introduce yourself then explain what is going on in the course that you will need help with. You could also send them an email setting up a time to meet to go over what you need help with.


What should you do if you have a test and need to write at the accessibility center but there is a schedule conflict?

Talk to the accessibility center and they can advocate for you to your professor. There may be an option that you can write the test later in the day to accommodate you.


Can you catch up on lost sleep by taking naps and sleeping longer at night?

No, you can never catch up on sleep you have lost. The best thing you can do is get back into a sleeping pattern.


What is the best way to communicate a point?

For people to understand what you are trying to say you need to communicate clearly and over-communicate. This is important when you are trying to tell someone why you need accommodations.  
