A quarter is worth this much
What is $0.25
What city do you live in?
What is Westhampton or East Quogue
What day of the week is this?
What is Monday
Name 3 green vegetables.
What is Broccoli, green beans, peas, celery, lettuce, kale, spinach, lima beans.....
Where do you open a checking account?
What is Bank
What is another way to write 84 cents?
What is $0.84 or 84ยข
The state you live in.
What is New York
What season are we in now?
What is Summer
What should you always do before you start cooking?
What is Wash your hands
Give one example of a bill that you might get in the mail every month.
What is Electricity, water
How many dollar bills in a ten dollar bill?
What is 10
The country you live in.
What is United States
What day is it 2 days from now?
What is Wednesday
Give three examples of a fruit.
What is Orange, strawberries, lemon, cherries, blueberries, banana, pear, peaches, melon....
How can you pay a bill
What is check, credit card
What is next dollar up from $2.75
What is $3.00
Name the continent we live on.
What is North America
How many days are in June?
What is 30
Name 3 ingredients in making a grilled cheese sandwich.
What is Bread, cheese, butter
Should you spend all of your money in one place or on one thing? Why?
What is NO!
Because you will not have money left for the things you need.
What's the next dollar up from $9.58?
What is $10.00
What country is directly north of US.
What is Canada
Name the 12 months in the year
What is January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
Name an example of a protein (meat)?
What is chicken, steak, fish, eggs...
Give one example of a want and one example of a need.
What is Want: new video game, 3rd pair of shoes, pop, etc. Need: food, clothes for job, housing, etc.