What do you do if you see a classmate upset?
Ask if they want to talk about it
If it's a close friend, ask them what is wrong
What is something you are grateful for today?
double points if you name 2
Triple points if you name 3
What do you do if you see someone going though another person's things
Tell a staff member
say something positive about a family member
Thanks for the positive comment!
You see your sister's bike that had gone missing a couple of weeks ago at a garage sale. What do you do?
Get a person that you trust to approach the person having the garage sale
name something helpful you did today
double points if you name 2 helpful activities you did
Name 5 things a person can do to calm themselves down. Think of past SEL lessons
Could include any of the following: color, exercise, play an instrument, play a sport, read, cook, take deep breaths, draw, listen to music, go for a run, call a friend or loved one, yoga,
Name a coping skill you can practice every day
keep on practicing !
Why is it good to recognize someone when they are doing a good job in the work place or at school?
It's motivating, inspiring, makes people feel appreciated, makes people want to do better, provides good morale, etc...
Name as many colors of the rainbow as you can
extra points for each color you name
Red orange yellow green blue indigo violet