Conversation Drivers or Starters
Zones of Regulation
Nonverbal Communication
Unexpected Vs. Expected Behaviors

Lisa sees Heather drawing. She tells her she’s really good and asked if she ever took lessons. Heather says, “Thanks, I never took lessons, I just like to draw for fun” 

Does Lisa keep the conversation going or stop the conversation?

Keeps the conversation going. She made an on-topic comment


“I am so angry I feel like screaming!” 

Which Inside Out Mood/Character matches this statement?

A. Sadness

B. Anger

C. Disgust

D. Joy

E. Fear

B. Anger


The area of space around everyone needed to feel comfortable. It can feel uncomfortable if someone does not give us this. 

A. Eye contact

B. Personal Space

C. Tone of voice

B. Personal Space 


Melanie walked into the room while everyone was working quietly in small group on a reading activity. She went over to a group and yells, “I can’t find my iPad! Who took it?”

Is this an expected or unexpected response?

Unexpected. The classroom was working quietly and Melanie came in and started yelling


A person we do not know and have never met before. 

A. Stranger

B. Acquaintance 

C. Friend 

D. Romantic Relationship 

A. Stranger 


What can you do to keep a conversation going?

-Ask relevant questions

-Make relevant comments

-Stay on topic


“I just want to be alone today and cry”

Which Inside Out Mood/Character matches this statement?

A. Sadness

B. Joy

C. Fear

D. Disgust

E. Anger

A. Sadness


Looking someone in the eyes or at their face while talking. This can show that we are listening and help us to connect with others. 

A. Tone of voice

B. Body language

C. Eye contact

C. Eye contact 


Sarah was waiting for her friend in the cafeteria to have lunch. When she saw them come in she stood up and yelled, “I’m over here”, waving at them. Is this an expected or unexpected response?

Expected. This is how you could get someone’s attention in this setting 


A person that we know and spend time with either inside or outside of school and know a lot about them. 

A. Stranger 

B. Friend

C. Acquaintance 

D. Romantic Relationship

B. Friend 


Betsy and Jose are talking about their vacations they will go on this summer. Betsy says, “I‘m going to Canda this summer!” Jose asks, “What will you do while you’re there?”

Did Betsy keep the conversation going or stop the conversation?

Kept the conversation going. He asked an on-topic question


“Today is the best day EVER!”

Which Inside Out Mood/Character matches this statement?

A. Disgust

B. Anger

C. Joy

D. Fear

E. Sadness

C. Joy


This is how we hold our body. It shows how we feel or if we are listening. We focus on our shoulders, heads, and how we sit or stand. 

A. Tone of voice

B. Posture

C. Personal Space

B. Posture 


The bell just rang and it’s time to go walk to 2nd period. Jessica opens her Chromebook and plays a video. Is this an expected or unexpected response?

Unexpected response. Jessica should be taking her Chromebook with her to walk to 2nd period, not watching a video


TRUE or FALSE. If you start out as someone’s acquaintance, you can never become friends or best friends you have to stay acquaintances.  

FALSE. You can move on the relationship ruler


Martha hears Fred and Joe talking about the school dance. She asks them what they’re doing for winter break. The boys look at each other. 

Did Martha keep the conversation going or stop the conversation?

Stopped the conversation. She asked a question that was off-topic


“It’s raining really hard and there is thunder and lightening, I’m really scared to go outside right now“

Which Inside Out Mood/Character matches this statement?

A. Disgust

B. Sadness

C. Joy

D. Fear

E. Anger

D. Fear


The way our voice sounds when we speak. It can send messages different from our words.

A. Eye contact

B. Personal space

C. Tone of voice

C. Tone of voice


You and your family are going out to eat at a restaurant tomorrow. Name one expected or unexpected behavior at a restaurant. 

-Stay seated

-Use an inside voice

-Use manners

-Running around your table

-Making faces at the waiter


A person we have a mutual romantic connection with. 

A. Friend

B. Romantic Relationship

C. Acquaintance 

D. Stranger 

B. Romantic Relationship


Lilly and Violet are eating lunch together. Lilly says, “I got a new puppy last night!” Violet says, “I love chocolate chip cookies!”

Did Violet keep the conversation going or stop the conversation?

Stopped the conversation. She made an off-topic comment


“Eww! I just spilled my milk all over my shirt and pants!”

Which Inside Out Mood/Character matches this statement?

A. Disgust

B. Fear

C. Sadness

D. Anger

E. Joy

A. Disgust


The movements we make with our face and bodies. This can tell others about our mood or feelings without saying any words. 

A. Body language

B. Tone of voice

C. Eye contact 

A. Body Language


Your class is going to the library today. Name one expected or unexpected behavior in the library. 

-Quiet voices

-Walking out without checking out a book


A person we do not know very well. We may know their name and face. We may go to school with them. 

A. Friend

B. Romantic Relationship

C. Acquaintance 

D. Stranger 

C. Acquaintance 
