Happy... Mad... Sad...
What are feelings?
Feeling overwhelmed, dealing with stress, having a conflict with someone
What are problems that trigger anger/ hot buttons?
Talking in a calm voice, negotiating, listening to the other person, and trying to get to the main problem are examples of...
What are effective ways to handle conflict?
Getting arrested, detention, and probation are examples of...
What are consequences of actions?
Making a plan, taking action, and sticking to it
What is setting a goal?
Raising your voice, feeling tense, face turning red, sweating, heat beating faster
What are signs or symptoms of anger?
Count to 10, deep breathing, think of happy memories
What are some ways to control your anger?
Listing your options, deciding the pros and cons, and making a choice
What is decision-making?
Name one thing that may affect you on making a decision.
What is weed, drugs, alcohol, being tired, etc.?
Calling someone names, using intimidation, making threats
What is a bully?
Talking to someone you trust, journal, write poetry, listen to music
What are ways to cope with your feelings?
You get angry when your mom tells you to do something, so you yell at her. She becomes agitated and yells back...
What is an example of passing on anger?
Disagreeing, yelling, cursing, cutting the other person off, name-calling, and blaming are examples of
What are ways to escalate a conflict?
Losing trust and respect of family members is an example of...
What are consequences of poor decisions?
Being respectful to others, no cursing, confidentiality, one person talking at a time
What are group rules?
Frustrated, embarrassed, belittled, humiliated, fearful
What are feelings that could lead to anger?
Someone makes you upset but you ignore it and walk away. That person makes you upset again, so you yell at them and walk away again. The same person yells at you the next time and this time, you punch their nose. This is an example of....
What is escalation of anger?
Following curfew, meeting with your PO, taking drug screenings, and attending BARJ and group
What are positive/good decisions?
Rewards, degrees, earning money, and love are examples of...
What are good consequences?
Improve grades, get off probation, get along better with others
What are goals (short-term/long-term)?
A feeling that is sometimes called a secondary emotion
What is anger?
Purposely teasing and bullying a person can trigger their...
What are hot buttons?
Give an example of someone who has made a bad decision!
What is an example?
Consequences are a result of...
What is decision making?
Best friends, grandparents, neighbors, teachers, mentors, counselors, and probation officers are examples of...
What are people you can trust to talk to?