Communication Skills and Assertiveness
Social Skills A & B
Coping with Anxiety and Anger
Making Decisions & Resolving Conflicts
Myths and Realities of Alcohol & Tobacco

This is the act of expressing one self in a way, that one is readily and clearly understood. 

What is communication?


An expression of praise or admiration. 

Ex: You look really nice today. 

What is a compliment?


Anxiety produces ____ changes in the body such as an increase in heart rate, sweating, tightening up of muscles, twitching, tremors, etc. 

Other effects include: Difficulty concentrating, dry mouth, difficulty holding hands steady (shaky hands), 'butterflies' in the stomach, headache, stomach pain, nausea, or digestive trouble.

What is physical?


We are involved in ___ making every day.

What is decision?

Some decisions are made without much thought, while others require more time and conscious effort. 

What is the legal age limit to purchase alcohol? And what is the legal age limit to purchase tobacco? 

What is 21


What are the two ways of communicating? 

Ex: 1) Facial expressions, body movement & posture. 

2) And a conversation, a speech or presentation. 

What is verbal and non verbal communicating? 


You hope that you will meet or see each other again soon is a proper form of ___ _ ____

What is ending a conversation?


Like anxiety, ___ produces physical changes in the body, such as: high blood pressure. 

Physical Changes in the Body also includes: Increased heart rate, clenched jaw, reddened cheeks, headache, tightened muscles and stomach ache.

What is anger?



Other decisions should be made after carefully ___ about the possible consequences or outcomes of different decisions. 

What is thinking?

Every action whether good or bad, has a consequence! 


Alcohol is a ___ contained in beverages (drinks) such as beer, wine, wine coolers, or hard liquor.

What is a drug. 


This person accepts without objection or resistance, doesn't respond or react to something they feel strongly about.. They ignore situations. 

Ex: Staying quiet when someone criticizes or makes fun of you. 

What is a passive person? 

Ex: This person never takes charge, doesn't value their own opinion, they can never say no and are always saying yes, and they are quiet or don't like to make eye contact. 


A meaningful connection with another person is a ____

What is a relationship?


The power to direct, manage, or hold back is the definition of ____.

What is control?


What is the act of making up your mind about something?

What is decision? 


Alcohol is a ____. Once it reaches the brain, it suppresses the brains activity which in turn affects the body. 

What is a depressant. 


Looking directly into the eyes of the person to whom you are speaking is what non verbal skill? 

What is eye contact?


Non-physical qualities such as intelligence, personality, special talent and sense of humor are important components of ____.

Ex: Answer starts with an A and is 10 letters long. 

What is attraction?


A healthy way of dealing with ___, is to exercise, go for a walk or do some breathing exercises/techniques. 

Ex: Starts with 'A' 

What is anxiety?


Many decisions that we make are ___ by others. 

Ex: Can possibly lead to being peer pressured by others. 

What is influenced? 

Cigarette smoking is a major risk factor for developing cancer, ___ ___ and chronic respiratory diseases. 

What is heart disease. 


A failure in communication that results when the receiver understands the meaning of a message differently than it was intended by the sender.

Ex: "I'm sorry if you took it the wrong way." 

What is misunderstanding?


(Would you like to go to the movies?) is inviting someone to a ____ ____. 

What is a social activity?


When faced with difficulty or stress an attempt to overcome them is defined as ____. 

Ex: Starts with a 'C'

What is coping?


The three C's of effective decision making are: ___, ___, and ____. 


Step 1: Think of what decision you need to make. (Answer is 7 letters)  

Step 2: What are the possible alternatives? (Think about the different things you might decide to do & the consequences that could happen) (Answer is 8 letters)

Step 3: What is best fit for you. (Answer is 6 letters long) 

What is clarify, consider and choose?


What is a colorless, odorless and poisonous gas that is created in cigarette smoking? 

Ex: Cigarette model from powerpoint 

What is carbon monoxide. 
