Vocational Skills
Physical Fitness
Personal Hygiene
Vitamins & Minerals

Hired or Fired?

Taking pens, post it notes, staplers, etc. home with you.

What is fired (stealing).


Physical fitness is definded as the abiity to do everyday tasks without becoming short of breath, sore or tired. 

a) True

b) False

a) True


What is personal hygiene? 

a. Using soap to clean yourself 

b. Dental check-ups 

c. Taking care of your body, cleaning yourself, getting dental check-ups and more 

d. Taking showers

Taking care of your body, cleaning yourself, getting dental check-ups and more.


Milk is usually fortified with this vitamin.

Bonus: Name another food that would give you Vitamin D.

What is Vitamin D.

  • Fatty fish, like tuna, mackerel, and salmon.
  • Foods fortified with vitamin D, like some dairy products, orange juice, soy milk, and cereals.
  • Beef liver.
  • Cheese.
  • Egg yolks.

It’s o.k. not to use shampoo or soap when showering. No one will ever know. True or False



Soap helps to clean off oily dirt and helps reduce the hold germs have on your skin so they are easily washed away. Pretty much the same with shampoo 


Hired of Fired?

Showing up to work five minutes early and staying until the end of your designated shift, working hard the entire time. 

What is hired.


Pain is warning sign of an _ _ J _ _ _.

What is injury.


What song should you sing when you brush your teeth? 

a. ABC’s 

b. Happy Birthday 

c. Hallelujah Chorus 

d. Panama by Van Halen

a) ABC's & b) Happy Birthday


Name this mineral which is critical for bones and teeth.

Bonus: Where would you find this mineral.

What is calcium.

The best sources of calcium are:

dairy products, including milk, yogurt, cheese calcium-fortified beverages such as almond and soy milk. 

Calcium is also found in dark-green leafy vegetables, dried peas and beans, fish with bones, and calcium-fortified juices and cereals.


Clothing does not need to be washed unless it is visibly soiled and stained. True or False?



False (skin cells and germs are not visible to the eye; they mix with bacteria and cause odor).


My coworkers can be my friends outside of work, but on the job, we should keep conversations brief. 

a) True

b) False

What is yes/true.


Sit and reach is a test used to test.

What is flexibility.


What part the hand is commonly missed when hands are being washed?

What is fingernails.


This food is a good source of potassium.

Bonus: Name another food that is a good source of potassium.

What is Potassium

Potassium helps your nerves to function and muscles to contract. It helps your heartbeat stay regular. It also helps move nutrients into cells and waste products out of cells. A diet rich in potassium helps to offset some of sodium's harmful effects on blood pressure.


Name a place that you would like to visit during our next "Where Am I"?

It could be your favourite city, province, island or country.


It is ok to chew gum in an interview if the gum keeps your breath minty fresh and helps you to not be nervous. 

What is No/false.


It increases blood flow and loosens muscles and tendons.


What are warm-ups.


How often should you get dental check-ups? 

a. Once every 6 years 

b. Every 6 months 

c. When there is candy stuck in you teeth.

b) Every 6 months.


Vegetarians often lack this Vitamin as it is only found in animal products.

Bonus: Which foods/beverages would you be likely to find this Vitamin?

What is B12.

  • yogurt
  • low-fat milk
  • fortified plant-based milk
  • cheese
  • eggs
  • fortified cereals
  • nutritional yeast


Name a popular waterway in Ontario.

What is the Trent Severn Waterway.


An acceptable answer to the question "What hours are you available" would be "afternoons, because I like to sleep late." 

What is no. This tells the employer that you are lazy.


Physical Exercise helps the heart & lungs to work better.

Prevents disease

Burns fat & reduces the chances of obesity.

a) True

b) False

Bonus: Name a type of Physical Exercise.

a) True.

Walking, swimming, hiking, tennis, badminton, baseball, volleyball, canoeing, dancing, yoga, tai chi to name just a few.


What is personal hygiene a good prevention of? 

a. Tooth decay 

b. Diseases & sickness 

c. Loosing hair 

d. Not looking your best.

b) Diseases & sickness


The best way to get the different vitamins and minerals is to _ _ T  _  B _ _ _ _ _ _D D_ _ _.

Eat a variety of foods - eat a balanced diet.


A chemical the brain produces during long periods of exercise that makes a person feel calm.

What is endorphins?
