True or False: It is okay to interrupt people when they are talking.

False: Try not to interrupt people. What could you do instead? 


What are three ways to keep your mouth clean?

Brushing teeth, flossing, mouth wash. 


Vic goes to the Food Bank expecting to put food away on the shelves. Instead, he is asked to put labels on salmon cans. Vic agrees because he is being _______________.

Flexible, adaptable. 


 There are some things I don't like to do at my job. What is a good attitude to have? 

Positive attitude. I will do my best. We all have to do things at work we don't love. 


Oshaae is putting away clean dishes by carrying one plate at a time.  How could he improve?

Carry more dishes safely to improve his efficiency.


Nate is talking to a co-worker about his favorite tv show. The other person loses interest and starts to move away from Nate. What might Nate have done differently? 

Paid attention to his co-worker to see if he is interested in talking. Ask his coworker questions to engage him. 


You should do this before eating and after using the bathroom. 

Wash your hands! With hot water and soap. For how long?? 


Jameisse is doing her job quickly and carefully, we would say she is working at a good _________.

Pace, rate. 


Christian \ has not missed a day of work this year. He is showing that he is______________.

Reliable, dependable, responsible. 


Randall  finishes his job.  What should he do?

Tell his supervisor that he is finished.  Ask supervisor what to do next.


True or False: I should only talk to other people about things I'm interested in. 

False! It is great to take interest in new things. You might also make new friends if you ask people what they are interested in. 


Why is it important to wear clean clothes each day?

Look good, feel good!

Personal hygiene is important for our health.

We don't want to bother other people with bad smells! 


If 2 or more people are working together nicely, we can say that they are ______________________________________. 

Cooperating, collaborating. teamwork


You have finished your task but your co-worker is still working. What could you do?

Ask if there is anything you can do to help them. 


Mike is putting clean silverware away when he drops a fork on the floor. What should Matt do?

Put the fork back in the dirty dish area.


True or False: You should not introduce yourself to someone new at work or in the program.

False! It is wonderful to introduce yourself and make people feel comfortable. 


How long can germs stay on your hands?

Up to 3 hours! Yuck. 


Holly is putting coffee mugs in one place, plates in another place, and bowls in a different place. She is ___________________ the items.

Organizing or sorting. 


Jonathan dropped a piece of trash on the floor. When she is asked to pick it up, she says she didn't drop it. What can you do? 

Throw out the trash. 


Mackenzie is working at her job site when a group of her friends walk past. What should she do?

Say hello but keep working! Try not to get distracted. 


True or False: It is okay to look at my phone when someone is talking to me.

False: This might be considered rude to the person who is talking to you. It is important to give people your full attention. 


Is the "5 second rule" actually true?

No! If you drop food on the ground, bacteria can contaminate it immediately. Even if your floor is clean, dirty shoes bring in lots of bacteria. 


Eriauna is showing initiative at her job site by finishing one job and then...

Going to another job/finding something else to work on. 


Raenondo is wiping off a cart. His supervisor sees that he has missed some spots. What should Mike do? 

Accept feedback and clean the missed spots. 


Ryan is at the Food Bank putting things on the shelves.  He finds a can of tuna and does not know where to put it.  What should he do?

Use clues to figure out the answer. Ask a co-worker. Ask his supervisor for help.
