What is opposite action?
Acting opposite than what you want to do.
What is internal conflict?
Conflict within yourself. Occurs when a person experiences opposing emotions, desires, or beliefs about a situation/decision
What is cognitive defusion?
What is the distress tolerance scale?
What is mindfulness?
Being fully aware of the situation at hand.
What is external conflict?
Conflict beyond yourself - friends, family, society, culture, etc
Irrational thoughts that can influence emotions.
What are the four types of responses to anxiety?
Fight, flight, freeze, fawn
What is GIVE/FAST?
Gentle, Interested, Validate, Easy Manner
Fair, (No) Apologies, Stick to values, (Be) Truthful
What are three things you should identify when resolving conflict?
What are the three aspects of the CBT triangle?
Thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.
What is the goal of exposure therapy?
What is a DEARMAN script? When do you use it?
Describe, Express, Assert, Reinforce, Mindful, Appear confident, Negotiate
Approaching tough conversations/conflict
What communication style works best for resolving conflict?
How can you challenge your thoughts?
Catch it (awareness), Check it (rational), change it (substitute)
What are interoceptives?
Actions to recreate panic - learning to desensitize/unpair learned response and rewire the brain.
Accumulate emotions, Build Mastery, Cope Ahead
Physical ILlness, Eating, Avoid mood altering drugs, Sleep, Exercise,
What does conflict resolution lead to?
Personal development and deeper connections with those around us.
Magnification, minimization, overgeneralization, catastrophizing, magical thinking, personalization, mind reading, jumping to conclusions, fortune telling, emotional reasoning, "should" statements, all or nothing thinking, disqualifying the positive, labeling
What are three types of safety behaviors?
Reassurance seeking, safety objects, checking, ritualizing