Flip Your Lid
Distress Signals
The "WHY"
Coping Skills

This is the nickname we used for the cerebral cortex, or thinking brain, that helps us to problem solve, think logically, and act with kindness?

Upstairs Brain


This response to perceived danger makes us want to escape or get away from the situation.



Our distress signals are one way our bodies ______ to us.



This is why we practice coping skills when we are calm.

Our brains are more receptive to learning new things when we are calm and our "upstairs brain" and "downstairs brain" are communicating.


Why do large motor skills (exercise, wood chopper) work well to cope when our fight response is triggered?

They release the tension and energy we have from our bodies preparing us to fight. 


Complete this sentence: "Flipping your lid means that you have lost your ability to ________ your emotions, thoughts, and behavior."



This response makes us want to defend or be aggressive toward a perceived threat.



T/F: Noticing our distress signals is the second step in the process to NOT flip our lid.

False! Noticing our signals is the first step!


This is why we learn about how to prevent flipping our lid.

When we have big reactions to things, there can be serious consequences for ourselves and others.


Why do grounding techniques (5-4-3-2-1, rainbow, calming sounds) tend to work well when we are having a freeze response?

They help us control breathing and get us back in touch with our current space and situation so we can start to problem solve.


This part of the brain is nicknamed the "downstairs brain" and controls the things our bodies do to keep us alive, has automatic responses to certain situations, and determines if we fight, flee, or freeze.



What part of the brain determines whether we fight, flee, or freeze?

Brainstem/"downstairs brain"


Name one distress signal that you notice when you are having a fight response.

tense muscles, breathing increases, heart rate increases, face gets flush, pacing...


This is why we need to understand our own distress signals.

We don't all have the same responses in all situations. Understanding our own personal reactions to things helps us figure out what we need to do to cope.


Why do breathing techniques and progressive muscle relaxation help us to calm when we are having a flight response?

It helps us regain control of our breathing and release tension in our muscles.


This is the first thing you need to do to try to stop yourself from flipping your lid.

Recognize your signs!


The body response of freeze means that we...

are unable to move or act against a perceived threat.


Name one distress signal you notice when you are having a freeze response.

upset stomach, tense muscles, shaking, crying, numbness, light headed, shallow breathing...


This is why we need to learn a broad range of coping skills.

Not all coping skills can be used in every setting (home, school, community) and not every skill will work the same all the time. Having more options means more opportunity for successful coping!


Name 2 healthy coping skills you use regularly.

talk to friend/family, breathe, write, create, exercise, meditate, watch funny shows, connect with people we trust, ....


Demonstrate with your hand the 3 parts of the brain involved in flipping your lid, and show what happens when you do flip your lid.

Thumb (midbrain) is closed inside fist. As you flip your lid, your fingers (cerebral cortex) no longer connects to lower palm (brainstem), and they don't communicate. Your lid has flipped!


Fight, Flight, & Freeze responses are meant to keep us _______ from threats.



Name one distress signal you may notice when you are having a flight response.

shaking, fidgeting, tense muscles...


This is why social-emotional learning is important.

You'll face many challenges throughout the rest of your lives. Having personal awareness, the ability to manage emotions, and the ability to make responsible decisions will help you in meeting your goals for success. 


T/F: Coping skills take a lot of time and have to be a big deal.

False: Coping skills can easily be built into our day and done so automatically that we don't even realize we are doing them!
