What's up, yo?
(Social and Assertiveness)
Media Violence and Advertising
3 Harmful Substances
Suicide Prevention
Asking someone about themselves is one way you can do this during a conversation.
What is Keeping the Conversation Going.
Exaggerting information to sell products is one of the distinct ways this certain industry makes money.
What is Advertising.
Cancer, heart disease, and chronic respitory diseases are all long term effects of participating in this habit.
What is smoking.
Someone who says "Things will never get better" may be feeling this.
What is Hopelessness.
The name of the teen helpline, run by teens, that you can call if you or someone else is suicidal (or just need someone to talk to).
What is Teen Link.
Saying "no", Making Requests, and Asserting your rights are the three examples of this kind of assertiveness skill.
What is Verbal Assertiveness
If I were an advertising executive and I used an Olympic athlete to promote my product, I would be using this type of advertising technique.
What is Bandwagon Appeal. (Celebrity endorsement also accepted)
People use these substances to cope with their problems (escape reality) and/or try to fit in with peers (look cool).
What is Marijuana, Cigarettes, and Alcohol.
A friend looks and sounds depressed. Asking them this should be one of the first things you do.
What is "Are you thinking about killing yourself?"
Eye contact, hand gestures, and tone of voice are all indicators of this communication technique.
What are Non-Verbal Skills.
"I feel...", "I want...", and "I don't like..." are all examples of this particular way to assert your rights.
What is I Statements.
Glorifying violence, believing the world is more violent than it is, and making violent acts seem natural are all answers to this question.
What are some harmful effects of media violence?
Experiencing a temporary "high" followed by a "low" - feeling depressed, anxious, and tired, are the effects of using this substance.
What is Alcohol Use
Researching ways to kill themselves, talking/joking about suicide, changing personal habits, and engaging in risky behavior are all warning signs of someone feeling this.
What is suicidal.
Passive, Aggressive, and Assertive.
What are the Three Ways to Respond in a Difficult Conversation.
Stating your position, giving your reason or justification, and being understandings are the three steps for doing what?
What is Saying No to A Request.
What the ad says and what the ad implies are examples of these two advertising techniques.
What is a stated message and hidden message.
THC determines the strength, or potency, of this illegal drug.
What is Marijuana.
The 3 L's for preventing a friends suicide.
What is Look, Listen, and Link.
These 3 C's can help you make better decisions.
What are Clarify, Consider, and Choose.
"Are you from Tennesee? Because you are the only ten I see." is an example of this kind of conversation technique. (Pick up line is not the answer)
What is a Conversation Starter.
Watching and/or listening less, choosing shows and music with positive messages, and looking for shows that show consequences of violence are three ways you can do this.
What is Resist Media Violence.
A change in the structure of your brain cells is a long term effect of this substance.
What is Marijuana.
Counselor, pastor, parents, or principals are examples of these kinds of people.
Who are people you can tell if a friend is suicidal.
A safe place you can go at school to talk about serious issues affecting your life and success at school.
What is The Counseling Office.