Social Skills
Communication Skills
Coping Skills
Critical Thinking Skills
Time Management Skills

True or False: You learn social skills in many areas of school



Right now we are engaging in what types of communication?

A) Interpersonal

B) Intrapersonal

C) Non-verbal

D) All of the above

D) All of the above


True or False: If you have no stress in your life right now, you do not need coping skills



What is critical thinking?

The ability to analyze an issue and brainstorm solutions or ideas. 

(Basically, problem solving)


True or False: It is a good idea to multitask many things instead of doing just 1 thing at a time



You are working on a group project and don't like a classmate in your group. How should you proceed?

Try and split up tasks so you can get the work done and not be in each other's way, have a mutual friend there as a buffer, still treat the other person with respect, etc


Finish the phrase: sticks and stones may break my bones....

....but words will never hurt me.


What is the definition of coping skills?

Management tools and techniques to deal with stress


Name 2 classes that you have to use critical thinking and why

Any class


Name 2 helpful techniques/tools to help you organize your time?

Planner, app, calendar, setting alarm for things


What are the 4 traits of Bucs Pride?

Safe, Positive, Responsible, Respectful


A method of communicating without using words but instead using body language

Non-verbal communication


Give 3 examples of positive coping skills

Listening to music, taking a walk, using a stress ball, positive re-framing, taking deep breaths, etc 


Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge is a _________ device for remembering treble clef notes

mnemonic device


List 4 things that you as high school students need to spend time on 

Homework, extra-curriculars, time with family, time with friends, eating, etc


Extra-curriculars and clubs are a great way to get involved. List 6 NON-SPORT activities you can be involved in at WEM

Band, Choir, FFA, FCCLA, FCA, Knowledge Bowl, Speech, Yearbook, Theater, Student Council, MN Honor Society and more  


Name 3 ways you can communicate with an organization (like a college or a potential employer)

Email, phone call, social media, visit their website, in-person


Give 3 examples of poor coping strategies

Alcohol/substance use, over/under-eating, over-sleeping, procrastinating, watching too much TV, spending too much time on your phone, physical aggression, etc 


List 1 job that uses critical thinking skills and how you might use critical thinking skills on that job

Any job may use critical thinking skills


Studies show that teenagers need at least how many hours of sleep per night?

at least 9 hours


The Bureau of Labor Statistics indicate the top 3 skills employers look for. Social Skills is one. Name one of the other two.

Management (time management, people management) OR Problem solving/critical thinking


You disagree with a teacher over a grade you have? How should you proceed?

Communicate with the teacher directly first to understand why you got the grade and what you can do to improve it


You start having a panic attack in the middle of class. What should you NOT do? What should you do?

Should NOT: Leave the building, lash out at others, after you're calm pretend it never happened

Should: Communicate with the teacher your situation, visit the nurse/counselor/main office, use coping techniques to calm yourself


When you purposefully argue the other side of an argument you are playing _____ ______

Devil's Advocate


Studies who which method of studying is the most effective?

A) 25 minutes studying- 5 minute break

B) 45 minutes studying- 10 minute break

C) 60 minutes studying- 15 minute break

A) 25 minutes studying- 5 minute break
