Addition Vocabulary
Subtraction Vocabulary
Word Problems
Mrs. Trejo has 2 bottles of Dr. Pepper in her refrigerator. Mr. Ryan brings her 3 more. How many does she have altogether? What words in the above problem let you know how to find your answer?
Altogether Altogether tells us that we should add 2 and 3 to come up with our answer
Celeste has 12 markers for art class. She let Amr borrow 7, how many markers does Celeste have left? What words in the above problem let you know how to find your answer?
LEFT Left tells us that we would subtract 7 from 12 to find how many markers Celeste has.
Name what coins are worth .05 and .25
What is a nickel and Quarter.
Mr. Clark had 10 students in his 1st period class. If 2 students move away how many does he have?
8 10-2=8
How many minutes are in an hour?
60 minutes
Mr. Jones has 8 medals from playing football while he was in middle school. He received 14 from playing ball in High school. What is the total amount of medal he received? What words in the above problem let you know how to find your answer?
Total Total tells us we should add 14 and 8 to see what kind of football player Mr. Jones is.
Mrs. Mayse has 13 students in her A-3 class. Ms. Winrow has 4. How many more students does Ms. Mayse have? What words in the above problem let you know how to find your answer?
Many more. Many more tells us that we would need to subtract 4 from 13 to see how many kids Mrs. Mayse would have.
What is the sum for 9 nickels?
45 A nickel is worth .05 cents. If we skip count we would have 45
Noah has 26 candy bars. He gives Isaiah 13. How many candy bars does Noah have left?
13 26-13= 13
2 part question What is the small hand on a clock? What is the big hand on a clock?
Hour hand Minute hand
Toby has 14 Blues Clues stickers. Luis has 18 Star Wars Stickers. How many do they both have? What words in the above problem let you know how to find your answer?
Both Both tells us that we should add 14 and 18 to see how many stickers they have.
Daniel has 102 Instagram followers. While Oliver has 187. What is the difference? What words in the above problem let you know how to find your answer?
Difference Difference tells us that we would need to subtract 102 from 187 to see the difference.
What is 2 quarters, 1 dime, and 2 nickels worth?
.70 Cents A quarter .25 (.25+.25= .50) A dime is worth .10 A nickel is worth .05 (.05+.05=.10) .50 .10 +.10 -------- .70
If Mr. Taylor has 206 bones in his body, and Mr. Reeves has 206 bones in his body, How many do they both have?
412 206 +206 = 412
If I am at Ryan High and it is 11:30 and I just got through eating lunch is it AM or PM?
What is the sum of 384, 288, 3679? What words in the above problem let you know how to find your answer?
Sum Sum is a key word that tells us we should add 384, 288, 3679 to find our total.
Tony and Fermin are comparing how many Class Dojo points they each have gotten so far this year. Fermin has 58 points and Tony has 39 points. How many fewer points does Tony have? What words in the above problem let you know how to find your answer?
Fewer Fewer tells us that we would need to subtract 39 from 58 to see how many fewer points Tony has.
What is a Quarter + Nickel + Dime + Nickel + Penny worth?
46 .25 .05 .10 .05 +.01 -------- .46
If Dory has 33 animal crackers and she gives Brandon 18, how many does she have left
15 With this problem we have to regroup
When using the minute hand to count what number can we use to skip count with?
5 1=5 2=10 3=15 4=20....
If Mrs. Post was to add 36, 79, and 4. How many would she have altogether? What words in the above problem let you know how to find your answer?
Add & altogether Add and altogether are keywords that tell us what we will be doing to find the answer. (Quick now find the answer, first team to correctly answer the problem gets an extra point)
TRICK QUESTION!!! Mrs. Post has $40.00 her husband gave her $60.00. Now she has $100.00 altogether. She gave $50.00 to her kids for lunch. How much money does Mrs. Post have remaining. What words in the above problem let you know how to find your answer?
Remaining Although there was adding in the problem, the question asked How much did Mrs. Post have remaining... To find the answer you would have to subtract $50.00 from $100.00. (Quit going for all the high ones first ;-)
$3.75 +$2.23 ________
$ 5.98
Ruby had 16 candy bars and 5 suckers. She gave 10 pieces of candy to Carmen. How many pieces of candy does Ruby have left?
11 16 + 5 = 21 21-10= 11
If the small hand is on 6 and the big hand is on the 9 What time is it?