Ouch! That Hurt!
Save My Life
Filthy Animal
Wash N' Wear
Sew and Sew

True or False:

Breaking a blister helps to heal a burn wound faster.

What is False.


The location of the AED on the GCA campus.

Where is the back of the sanctuary.


The final step in cleaning.

What are: to clean the floors


True or false: You should wash your clothes dirties side out.

What is true


The type of material best used for sewing an apron.

What is cotton.


The first three steps in treating a dog bite (also applies to a cut/scrape).

What are to:

  • Wash the wound with soap under running water
  • Stop bleeding with gentle pressure
  • Apply antibiotic ointment and wrap with sterile bandage

The two locations to place the AED pads on a person in  distress.

Where are:

 The upper left chest and the lower right rib area.


What are the four goals of cleaning?

What is to:

Remove Dust, Remove Dirt, Disinfect, Polish and Shine


The two ways to sort laundry

What are by fabric type and color.


The name of the spool that holds the bottom thread in a sewing machine.

What is a bobbin.


The Five Main Goals of First Aid

What are to:

Preserve Life

Prevent the escalation of illness or injury

Promote recovery

Provide pain relief

Protect the unconscious

How many compressions and how far down do you press on a persons chest while performing CPR?

What are:

30 compressions (100 beats per minute)

2 inches down on chest


The first step in cleaning a room.

What is to remove trash and declutter.


How to get rid of a grease stain and a blood stain.

What is:

Grease: liquid dish soap

Blood: cold water, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda


Demonstrate how to turn an apron strap right side out.

Teacher will verify live demonstration for points.

The Acronym and its meaning to remember how to handle a sprain.

What is R.I.C.E.

Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate


The first four steps when a person is down/unresponsive.

What is to:

1.Assess the situation 2. Assign someone to call 911 and get AED 3. Check for response/breathing 4. Begin CPR


The three ways to approach cleaning a room. (Setting up for success)

What are:

Clock Analogy, Top to Bottom, Dry to Wet


The laundry symbols for a warm wash, high heat dry, and do not iron.

What is: 

See the white board for the answer!


Ironing is a key component in sewing. It is also essential for looking put together. When sewing a dress shirt, what is the first step, and the first place you iron. 

What is the dampen the shirt and start with the collar.


The 2 differences between venomous and non-venomous snakes.

What are 

  • Venomous=Slit eyes, triangular heads, fangs
  • Non-venomous= round pupils, rounded heads

The difference between a heart attack and sudden cardiac arrest.

What is:

Heart attack: plumbing issue with blood flow

Sudden Cardiac arrest: inadequate blood flow


Name 2 of Mrs. Precups personal favorite cleaning hacks.

What are:

  • Toilet bowl cleaner on grout
  • Wall/Multipurpose cleaning solution (HOT water, 1 tsp powdered tide, 1/4 cup bleach)
  • Moldly sink/caulking - cotton and bleach
  • Vinegar and Dish soap for tub for soap scum

Enzyme sprays are often used to pretreat stains. Name the three different enzymes and what they treat.

What are:

Proteases break down protein-based molecules such as blood and food.

Lipases break down fat molecules, such as oils and greases.

Amylases break down starch molecules.


The purpose of a sewing pattern, and where exactly would you find it at a fabric store.

What is to tell you how to cut your fabric and where to sew. A pattern is first found in a catalogue and then in the filing cabinet drawers according to the pattern number.
