Time Lapse
Soft Skills

If you have $5.00 and want to buy some candy that costs $3.75, do you have enough money?

Yes!  $5.00 is more than $3.75


If it is 3:00 PM, and your boss tells you to take a 20 minute break, what time do you need to be back to work?

3:20 PM


If you are running late for work, what should you do?

Call my boss and let them know I'll be late.


When I am about to start cooking, what is the first thing I must do?

Wash my hands


Name 2 type of clothing that must be clean when you put them on.

Underwear and socks


If you have $20.00 and want to buy headphones that cost $21.00, do you have enough money?

No!  $20.00 is less than $21.00


If it is 5:00 PM and you work for 6 hours, what time are you finished with work?

11:00 PM


If my friend at work asks me how much I make per hour, should I tell them?

No!  That is private information


What do I use, or put on my hands, when taking hot food out of the oven?

Pot holders, or oven mitts


How often and when should you brush your teeth?

Twice.  In the morning and before bed.


If you have $33.00 and want to buy groceries that cost $33.95, do you have enough money?

No!  $33.00 is less than $33.95


If it is 3:15 PM and your boss tells you to take a 30 minute lunch break, what time do you need to return?

3:45 PM


If my boss says I can call them by their first name, is it okay to greet them this way: "Yo, Mark my man, how's it goin!?"

No.  Try, "Good morning, Mark"


What is the name of the tool used to flip pancakes?



If you spill orange juice on the counter, is it okay to clean it up with a dry paper towel?

No,  orange juice has sugar in it and will leave the counter sticky.  Use a spray cleaner and paper towel to clean it up.


If you have $75.00 and want to buy a game for $74.50, do you have enough money?

Yes, $75.00 is more than $74.50


If you start work at 2:00 PM and finish work at 6:00 PM, how long did you work?

4 hours


If my manager tells me to assemble 5 lamps and bring them to the front of the store and I have only completed 3 when my shift is over, what should I do?

a. Just leave since my shift is over

b. Tell my manger and see what they say

c. Just stay and finish assembling the lamps

b.  Tell my manager and see what they say.  If I just leave they may get upset with me because they need the lamps finished.  And if I stay without saying anything, they may get mad because now they have to pay me overtime.  Best to check with your manager.


How long can I keep leftovers in the refrigerator before I have to eat or throw them out?

A. 3 hours

B. 3 days

C. 3 weeks

3 days


What temperature water should I wash my socks and underwear?

A. Cold

B. Hot



If you have $50.00 and are at a sit down restaurant where the bill comes to $50.00, do you have enough money?

No.  You should add a tip for the server.


If you start work at 4:30 PM and finish work at 9:45 PM, how long did you work?

5 hours and 15 minutes


When completing a job application, what are 3 "types" of people I can put down as references? 

Teacher, job coach, past boss, family friend who knows you well.


I have the following measure cups:  1 cup, 1/2 cup, 1/4 cup.  My recipe calls for 3/4 cup of sugar.  Which cup(s) will I use to measure out 3/4 cups?

One scoop of the 1/2 cup and one scoop of the 1/4 cup.  OR

Three scoops of the 1/4 cup



I should vacuum or sweep the floor before I mop the floor.

True!  You need to get the loose dirt and crumbs up before you mop
