Basic Safety Procedures
Safety and Health
Emergency Situations
First Aid
When you are running in the halls what may happen?
You can slip and fall. You can hurt someone else. You can get suspended.
There is a car accident right outside of the school, who can you go to for help?
Security Officers Police Officers Deans Teachers
You see you a child fall off his/her bike, the child hit their head after falling, Should you call 911?
Ms. Walker got a paper cut while stapling homework packets. Does she need first aid? Why?
Yes The cut may get infected if it is not properly cleaned and covered.
What may be a cosequence for standing up on the school bus?
You may fall down and hurt yourself or others. You my cause an accident.
What happens when you cough without covering your mouth?
You may spread germs to others.
You smell a strong odor of chemicals in the kitchen someone has been cleaning, What should you do? Why?
This is a substance that should not be inhaled because it may cause someone to get sick. The cleanser may be harmful when inhaled.
You are at a picnic near a lake that has paddle boats (you know how to swim) , what should you do to stay safe in the water?
Always go with a buddy. Wear a life preserver.
You got a small burn while making noodles, what should you use in the first aid kit to treat the burn?
Burn cream
Why should you stop and wait when the crosswalk says, "DON'T WAlK" or is flashing a blinking red hand?
You may get run down by a car. You may cause an accident.
What happens when you are skipping class and running the halls?
You may get suspended. You may be in danger if something is occuring in the building.
There is construction going on at the school and the sign reads, "DO NOT ENTER", Why shoudn't you enter the construction site?
It is dangerous. You may get hurt. You do not have on the proper attire( helmet, goggles, steel toe boots).
There is a fire on the first floor of your house, what do you do first?
Get out based on your evacuation plan.
Someone has spilt milk on the stairs, what do you do to prevent an injury? What kind of injury can occur because of the spilt milk?
Walk around the milk. Clean it up. Tell Mr. Hedgeman. You could slip and fall, injuring yourself and others.
What would you teach you little brother or sister (3 or 4 years old) about playing near chemicals? What warning sign would you tell them to look for on a chemical such as bleach?
That it is dangerous and that when you see a skull and crossed bones stay away.
What can you do to prevent the spread of germs?
Wash your hands. Wipe down surfaces. Clean with a mild disenfectant.
The medicine label says, that adults may take 2 aspirin every 6 hours. If 2 years or younger please consult a doctor. How many aspirin can a 1 year old take?
You must consult a doctor before administering this mediction to persons two years of age or younger.
There is a bad storm (thunder and lightening, flash flood warning) rolling in at around 5:00pm, you know this but want to continue hanging out with you friends outside, why is this not safe?
You could be hurt, specifically struct by lightening, swept away in flood waters or harmed by an object that falls as a result of the storm.
Mr. Dorceus is playing football and hurts his finger. Is that a intentional or unintentional injury?
Who can help in an emergency situation?
Family Memebers Teachers Police Offceirs
You are not in location and the school goes into a lockdown situation, what can happen?
You can get hurt. Unintentionally be involved. Be suspended.
If there is a label with a skull and crossed bones, what does that mean?
Poisonious danger toxic
There is a large knife laying near the playground in your neighborhood, your younger cousins always play there, what should you do about the knife?
Tell an adult immediately! Don't touch it!
What are the short and long term effects of a head injury?
Brain damage -Long term Headaches-Short and Long term Loss of vision-short and long Loss of hearing-short and long Dizziness- short and long
You find a gun near the school, do you pick it up? Why or why not?
No It may be loaded and someone can get hurt.