Cry, babble and point for communication.
What is intellectual development for infancy?
Walking at 15 months.
What is physical development for toddlerhood?
Run, hop and jump.
What are large motor skills?
Permanent teeth are coming in.
What is physical development for school- age years?
The shape of your body changes and acne occurs.
What is physical development for adolescence?
Developing trust.
What is emotional development of infancy?
Developing a sense of right and wrong.
What is social development for toddlerhood?
Less self centered and care more about other's feelings.
What is emotional development?
Care about what people think of them and want to be liked.
What is moral development?
Friendships become deeper and more stable.
What is social development for adolescence?
Recognizing familiar faces and voices.
What is social development for infancy?
Children that play with only themselves.
What is parallel play?
When kids play together in small groups.
What is cooperative play?
Sharing and forming peer groups.
What is social development for school age years?
Hormones affect emotions.
What is emotional development for adolescence?
The period of early childhood.
What is infancy?
The enjoyment of taking things apart and putting them back together.
What is repetition?
Recognizing colors and letters and learning to count.
What is intellectual development for pre- school ages?
Beginning to realize that rules a flexible and can be changed.
What are school aged morals?
The period in your life were you prepare for adulthood.
What is adolescence?
Developing reflexes and eye-hand coordination.
What is physical development of infancy?
Language changes from words to phrases.
What is intellectual development?
Cutting paper and writing letters.
What are small motor skills?
They ask more questions and acquire reasoning skills.
What is intellectual development?
Knowing the difference between right and wrong, but still acting accordingly.
What is moral development for adolescence?