recognize faces and voices by 7 months
what is social development for infants?
change in appearance
what is an example of physical development
in the arms and legs
where are your large motor skills at
they write and draw more precisely
what is an example in physical development for school age
what is it called when exciting changes are happening in all areas of development
they cry and point to show ways of communication
how do infants show intellectual development?
your ability to think, understand, and communicate
what is an example of intellectual development
small muscles in hands
what are small motor skills
they use symbols such as letters and numbers
what is an example in intellectual development for school age
puberty and sense of humor
what physical change in adolescence happens
daily contact with the baby
what helps infants develop emotional development
recognize and express more complex emotions
what is an example of emotional development
human development
what is the process that continues through the life span
they outgrow there preschool fears
what is an example in emotional development for school age
hormones affect emotions, mood swings
what emotional change in adolescence happens
eye hand coordination
what is one physical development of a infant
cooperating and building different kinds of relationships
what is an example of social development
what is one of the constant features of life's journey
share and consider the feelings of others
what is an example in social development for school age
what time in your life do you prepare to be an adult?
9 months
how many months are you pregnant for
understanding right from wrong
what is an example of moral development
when they become toddlers
when does growth slow down
they realize that many rules are flexible and can be changed
what is an example in moral development for school age
you form peer groups
what social change in adolescence happens