For African American clients where do you check for possible dehydration, jaundice and other health changes
What is the *conjunctiva/Sclera, mucous membranes and palm of hand.
In the older adult during the end of life what changes happen with their nutritional health.
What is decrease interest in food or fluids.
What is temporary care of a love one for the family?
What is Respite Care?
What type of client is best suited for Hospice Care?
What is an terminally ill clients with 6 mon or less to life.
Using Health People 2030 for planning activity to promote client health and wellness which should you focus on ?
What is identify and implement plans to improve client ultimate wellness?
What is a DPAHC?
What is Durable Power of Attorney?
Cultural competent care of terminally ill. How should the nurse care for a client with diverse background
What is be nonjudgement in their health care practices.
What are the older adults at risk for with the integumentary system?
What is skin tears and Bed sores (decubitus ulcers).
What is a well known myth about older adult?
What is that they are all senile, forgetful
What would best describe Palliative Care?
What is care for a client that promotes comfort and enhance the qualify of clients life.
A nurse is providing care for a client of a different religion. The client has a terminal illness and request religious counsel. what is the nurses best response?
What is contact the religious leader of the clients choice.
Can a "Do Not Resuscitate" be over ridden by a family member?
What is no
What is some cultures views on direct eye contact?
What is most cultures view direct eye contact as attentiveness or respect, where others view it as invasion of privacy.
What is the acronym used to describe the events of a stroke?
What Fast?
Bonus: What does Fast mean?
Name the theory KUbler-Ross Model levels.
What is Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance.
What is pooling of the blood leaving blemishes on the body called?
What is skin Mottling.
Doing a community needs access. Why is a client 40 miles out of the city at risk for poor healthcare.
What is they are not close to doctors or markets in rural areas.
What does a POLST/MOLST cover under the scope of treatment cover?
What is the MD/Patients decision on their treatment plan.
What should you do before physically touching someone?
What is ask permission?
Your client is post stroke and in a rehab center. In helping the client set realistic goals, what is the most appropriate goal?
What is to reach optimal functional status
What are the different levels of grief?
What is Normal grief, Anticipatory grief, complicated grief, and disenfranchised grief?
What are sign and symptoms of dehydration.
What is skin tenting mucous membrane and decreased urine output?
What are some Social and Environmental Factors related to Social Determinants of Health (SDOH)?
What is
•Economic stability – often measured by steady job and income. Consideration of working poor who fall below the poverty line and have difficulty with access to food, health care.
•Education access and quality – includes access to education as well as the quality of education.
•Health care access and quality – 1in10 persons are without health insurance. Additional concern in being physically able to gain access, as example persons in rural areas may have difficult with transportation. Use of telemedicine or remote visits may be possible but in-person visits are often needed.
•Neighborhood and built environment – where persons live including people from marginalized racial groups and people of low socioeconomic status (SES) are more likely to live in neighborhoods with high rates of violence, poor air and water quality, and less access to walking and bike paths. Environmental exposure to chemicals, smoke, or other toxins in the workplace can adversely affect health and well-being.
•Social and community context – Includes relationships with friend, family , coworkers and members of community. Social isolation, bullying, discrimination or lack of support cab gave a negative impact on health.
If a child of a older adult accompanies them to a appointment. Does the Nurse have the right to discuss the clients medical condition with the child?
What is no, not without a DPAHC or the parent is unable to speak for themself.
When communicating with other cultures, you should speak to client in their native tongue What is the best plan of care by the nurse?
What is use the facility-approved interpreters to communicate with the client.
What are some physical system changes?
What is confusion, dyspnea, immobility, and anoxia.
What is everything in the older adult slows and/or bodily fluids may increase with the aging process.
Why do we do postmortem care?
What is ensure dignity, compassion and respect.
What is prepare body for viewing.
Name the three stages of death?
What is Early Stage, middle Stage and Late stage.
Bonus: Describe the stages.
What are the 5 tiers in the Health Prevention Model?
What is
•Primordial Prevention: Social and economic polices that impact health
•Primary Prevention: reduce risk factors that lead to injury of disease
•Secondary Prevention: Prevent injury and disease after exposure but before manifestations of disease
•Tertiary Prevention: Reduce the complications for those who have disease or illness.
•Quarternary Prevention: Harm caused by the medical intervention
What is PAS Or PAD?
What is Physician assisted Suicide or Physician Assisted Death?
What are some some cultural considerations related to death?
What is respecting the patients and family wishes, open and honest communication, therapeutic communications and active listening.
What are some characteristics of discomfort?
What is pain, anxiety, restlessness, dyspnea, Nausea, vomiting and dehydration.
What is the last sense of the 5 sense lost during impending?
What is hearing?
What is the shallow rapid breathing done at end of life?
What is Cheyne-Stokes respirations?
What are the 8 Dimensions of wellness?
What is
• Emotional
• Environmental
• Financial
• Spiritual
• Social
• Occupational
• Intellectual
What do you need in order to perform any kind of procedure?
What is Inform consent?