This job site is a tourist hot spot that has unique transportation that is green and orange.
Old Town Trolley
Who would you call if you were sick and couldn't come in to work?
Your supervisor/boss
A collaborative effort where employees work together to get a job done.
This is a popular place to eat lunch that has a famous sauce.
What kind of shirt is appropriate to wear in an interview?
Polo, button down, or dress shirt
This job site focuses on women's health needs.
Pink Stork
What should you do with your phone when you get to work?
Put it away (in a locker, in your purse, etc.)
Sending or receiving information is called...
This place pays tribute to those who have served our country.
Northeast Florida Military Museum
Why would it be important to research the company you are applying for before an interview?
So that the company knows how interested you are in the job.
So that you can answer the questions to the best of your ability.
This job site delivers meals to those in need.
If your shift starts at 8:00 am, what time should you arrive?
8:00 am or earlier
Someone who applies for a job is called...
a job applicant
This is a place of fun and skill where you can score points on each swing.
Top Golf
How long should your printed resume be?
1 page
This job site was once part of Project Search.
Renaissance Hotel
When people at work are in a disagreement, they may need to solve their problems by talking it out through a process called...
Conflict resolution
A one page summary of your knowledge and skills as it relates to a job
a resume
This place is nationwide and sells a mode of transportation that is considered dangerous by some.
Harley Davidson
What should you do if your job interview went well, but you haven't heard back from the employer for a couple of days to tell you if you got the job or not?
Contact the employer by phone or stop in the place of employment to speak to them directly.
This job site is one we no longer work at. It was a historic part of downtown St. Augustine.
The Casa Monica
Your boss or supervisor needs to know they can count on you to preform your duties at work. This is called being...
The ability to communicate what your needs are
This place has a wide display of both old and new.
Antique car museum
Name a way you could practice interview questions.
*Look up questions online and answer them
*Do a practice interview with a friend or family member
*Write your answers down in a notebook and study them