How many gauze do you use for a minor bleed
One and add ONE more if it bleeds through, replacing the last one as need be.
Emergency Action Plan
Front Approach
Active Facing You
Fell and hit their head
Code Red
After Rapid assessment, No Breathing, No pulse
Call 911 and AED
What are the important things to do when someone has a seizure?
Move objects that could hurt them, time is, and protect their dignity.
Bag Valve Mask
J Hook
Passive Front Facing
Bad Asthma Attack
Code Red (bBreathing Emergency)
After the AED says "Analyzing"
Yell CLEAR and don't touch patient
How do we assist someone that is having a heart attack?
Make them as comfortable as possible
Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate
Child drowning in 2 ft of water
Lifting assist
Code Red
After doing rescue breathing for 2 min
Re-assess (rapid assessment)
What do you do for a deep head laceration?
Call EMS, check LOC and pupils, start treating for shock while stopping the bleeding.
Face, Arms, Speech, Time
Deep Water
Passive or Active Submerged
Vomiting and Extreme Nausea
Code Orange
After the breath does NOT go in
Re-mask Re-tilt Re-attempt to ventilate
How do we deal with a patron with a broken back?
Restrict movement and keep them warm, monitor vitals and limb responsiveness
Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
Someone close to the edge is drowning
Reaching assist
Dislocated Shoulder, and Nausea
Code Orange
After they begin to vomit
Recovery Position and clear airway