Demonstrate on team member how to treat severe external bleeding to the lower thigh.
- Call EMS
- Pressure & Position
All members Don and Doff gloves correctly.
- only touching outer surface
- wash hands after
Nicole is having an asthma attack help her!
- retrieve inhaler and aero chamber
- assessment
- shock
When may you consider calling EMS?
- tilt head forward
- pinch bridge of nose
- cold on neck or forehead
- time length, if longer than 15min (still breathing call EMS)
Grab want you should wear if preforming CPR.
- Gloves and Pocket mask
Act out signs and symptoms of a stroke. What is the acronym used?
- severe headache
- dizziness
- slurred speech
-loss of bladder control etc
Requirements of "check" in check, call, care
- environment check (hazards)
- ABCs
Ashley is having an anxiety attack and is experiencing hyperventilation, provide first aid.
- pursed lip breathing
- reassurance
- treat for shock
- primary/ secondary assessment
A kid fell down the stairs of the slide and is screaming there leg hurts. How do you help?
What is an acronym used for these types of injuries?
- suspected break
- determine if open or closed
- treat for shock
- Call EMS/ recommend medical attention depending of severity
Demonstrate what to do if breaths do not go in when preforming CPR.
- re-adjust (head tilt chin lift)
- 2 breaths
- into compressions
A patron is very anxious and confused, they have cool skin, feel very weak, they're very thirsty and feel very nauseous, how would you help them? What may you suspect?
R-rest and reassurance
S-semi prone or semi-sitting position
Demonstrate a Primary assessment. When would you perform this?
- if scene is safe
- responsiveness
- check ABC
- Call
- Care for life threatening injuries
- recovery positions
- always treat for shock --> WARTS
Breelle developed a severe allergy to bee stings since last season. She was stung, help her!
- epipen
- assesments
- shock
- call EMS
Demonstrate treatment on a complete chocking victim from start to end.
What are the 3 methods of treatment for chocking
- proper back blows and abdominal thrusts
-communication to victim (who you are etc, identify complete chocking)
methods: back blows, abdominal thrusts, and chest thrusts.
List 3 items that should be present with your AED, what are they used for?
- Shears
- Towel
- Razor
- maybe an extra set of pads (or peds pads)
How do you treat TIA in comparison to a stroke?
- now they treat the same
- TIA was actually taken out 2 years ago
What are the components of a secondary assessment?
Done have life threating injuries are addressed.
S- signs and symptoms
A- allergies
M- Medications
P- Past medical history
L- last meal
E- events leading up to emergency
Steve has been very stressed at work and has coping with recreational drug use (Patricia is his supplier). You come into open the LKP and Steve is acting off. His skin is cool and clammy, he's dizzy and confused and his pupils are pin point. Help Steve
- suspected opioid overdose
- no naloxone on site, call EMS
Act out the differences between heat exhaustion versus heat stroke. How would you distinguish the two?
HINT: consider skin, physical and mental symptoms and breathing
Heat exhaustion
- moist, warm skin
- headache, weakness
- Nausea, vomiting
- anxiety, dizziness
- normal breathing
Heat stroke
- dry, hot skin
- seizures, coma, sever headache
- altered behaviour, iriatable, agressive
- shallow, rapid breathing
What is the proper CPR compression depth for a adult, child and infant?
Adult, 5cm/2 inches
Child, 1/3 of chest depth
Infant, 1/3 of chest depth
What is the proper dosing of ASA for an adult with a suspected MI. What do we have at the pool?
- 1 regular strength
- or 2 low dose ASA
List as many rights to medication. AS a lifeguard what meds can we assist with? Demonstrate how you would help with these.
- right person, route, dose, time, drug etc
- ASA (must take themselves), Epi (patron should administer, you can help), puffer etc
You come in to open and Steve is stumbling around the bucket room, he's breathing fast and seems to be coming in and out of consciousness. You try to ask Steve if he's okay and he aggressively yells, "I'm fine! Go away." How could you help Steve.
- Diabetic emergency
- Call EMS
- give sugar
Demonstrate 3 different splints or slings and what you would use them for.
example sling around arm, tube sling
splint arm or leg.
What is the rate of CPR compressions for a child per minute? Sing 2 songs that give a proper beat.
100-120 beats per minute for any age