Lifesaving Society - Our Vision
Drowning Statistics
Water Safety
Lifesaving Society

Who is the Lifesaving Society? 

The Lifesaving Society is a registered charity that is a full-service provider of programs, products and services designed to prevent drowning.


How many Canadians die each year as the result of water-related incidents? 

Approximately 500


How long has the Lifesaving Society existed? 

Over 100 years!


What is the definition of drowning?

Drowning is defined as a process of experiencing breathing difficulties resulting from being in or under a liquid, such as water. Such an injury can cause serious, long-term health outcomes to individuals and be fatal.

- Center of Disease Control and Prevention and Statistics Canada



What is the Lifesaving Society Newsletter called? 



What is the vision of the Lifesaving Society? 

A Canada free from drowning and water-related injury.


Between males and females, who is more likely to drown? 

Men are more likely to drown than females. Approximately 75% of people who drown are male. 


When was the first Bronze medallion awarded in Canada? 

In 1896, 18 young Canadians earned the first recorded Bronze Medallion in Canada at Upper Canada College (in Ontario). 


Where do the majority of water related injuries occur?

Two-thirds of water related deaths occur during recreational activites, in, on, or near the water. Fishing, powerboating, and swimmming are the leading activities involved in water related deaths occuring during recreational activites. 


What are some of the ways that the Lifesaving Society prevent water related injury and drownings? 

Training programs, Water Smart public education, aquatic safety management services, Lifesaving Sport and water incident research. 


What is the motto of the Lifesaving Society? 

Whomsoever you see in distress, recognize in them a fellow human being. 


What time of year do half of all drownings occur? 

June, July, and August, but downing is a year-round problem. 


What year was the Royal Lifesaving Society created in Canada? 

1904, under the patronage of King Edward VII. 


Name three (3) Water-Smart tips that can help you prevent drowning: 

- Learn to swim

- Wear a lifejacket of PFD

- Behave responsibly if you consume recreational substances

- Supervise children

- Do not go swimming or do water sports alone

- Don't dive into shallow or unknown water

- Swim in supervised areas

- Know the dangers of cold water

- Know the dangers of warm water


On a yearly basis, how many Canadians are trained and certified through Lifesaving Society Programs? 

Approximately 1.2 million Canadians participate in our swimming, lifesaving, lifeguard, first and and leadership programs. 

Over 25,000 Canadians earn the Bronze Medallion each year!


What is the Mission of the Lifesaving Society? 

Prevent Drowning and Water Related Injuries in Alberta and Northwest Territories.


What age groups are at the highest risk of drowning? 

Young adults 18-34 and young children under 5. 


When was the Alberta Royal Lifesaving Society Branch formed? 

1926. In 1967, the Alberta Branch became the Alberta & Territories Branch. 


Name some of the ways that you can boat responsibly: 

- Get your boating license

- Wear a proper fitting PFD

- Always check the weather 

- Always have a plan. Someone should know when and where you are going, and when you will be back. 

- Don't consume recreational substances


How do you become a member of the Lifesaving Society? 

By receiving a Society program award, such as Basic First Aid, Bronze Medallion, and more! 


Name one value of the Lifesaving Society 

Guided by humanitarian principles, we are the Canadian leader in the prevention of drowning and water-related injury.

  • We are collaborative, innovative, and ethical.
  • We operate with fairness, respect, trust, and integrity.
  • We value diversity, flexibility, and creativity.
  • We seek inclusiveness, driven by the needs of our community
  • We are a dynamic organization that succeeds through volunteerism, pro-active leadership, and the pursuit of excellence.

What are four major contributing factors to drowning? 

- Not wearing a PFD. About 90% of drowning victims are not wearing a PFD. 

- Alcohol. In about half of drownings, alcohol is a factor. 

- Being alone. In half of all drownings, the victim is alone. 

- Cold water. Approximately 3/4 of all deaths from exposure involved cold water. 


When was the First Edition of the Canadian Lifesaving Manual published? 

1963. This was in conjunction with the launch of the Canadian Lifesaving Program. 


When you removed a non-breathing person from water, how do begin CPR? With chest compressions or breaths? 

Begin with breaths.


Where do you find information about Lifesaving Society and Training Programs? 

The Policies and Procedures! It s designed to provide society members with pertinent information regarding the maintenance of their awards and delivery of Society programs and services.
