Vacation Homes Around the World
The 1%
Weird Spa Offerings
Is Camping a Punishment

This star of ER and Ocean’s Eleven bought a home on Lake Como when he realized “how beautiful life was in Italy and how it really helped calm me and not feel so pressured.”

Who is George Clooney?


This duck is arguably the richest cartoon character in history.

Who is Scrooge McDuck?


Indiana Jones would NOT be ok with what the Dreaming Goddess spa in New York includes with its massages.

What are snakes (specifically, boa constrictors).


If you like public television, and want to learn how to paint and just celebrate life, he’s your guy.

Who is Bob Ross?


Between 2-5 people die in North America from attacks from this animal each year.

What are bears?


This home object was the inspiration for the “Air” in AirBnB.

What is an air mattress?


This former US President likes to decorate in gold.

Who is Donald Trump?


Garra rufa are added to the water to eat dead skin of this foot-specific spa treatment.

What is a fish pedicure?


That brassica growing in your garden? It’s actually a flower.

What is broccoli?


If you enjoy this beverage, it is likely that mosquitos will seek you out.

What is beer?


In addition to igloos, furnished caves, lighthouses, and castles, AirBnB offers this unique rental opportunities.

What is a (tree house, or yachts, or private islands)


This 1% Berkshire Hathaway tycoon has vowed to give away 99% of his wealth by the end of his life.

Who is Warren Buffet?


This is the technical term for the kind of therapy that happens when you are plunged into an ice bath.

What is Cryotherapy?


The high school star of this 2004 movie enjoys hobbies like interpretive dance and nunchucking.

What is (who is) Napoleon Dynamite.


Portland author Cheryl Strayed’s memoir of hiking this trail made her a New York Times Best Selling author and inspired an Oscar-nominated movie about her experience.

What is the Pacific Crest Trail?


This Florida beach town has more millionaires per capita than any other city in Florida.

What is Naples, Florida?


This job title pulls in – on average – 343 times more compensation than the median pay of American workers.  

What is a CEO?


At the Hotel Heubad in Italy, spa-goers will be wrapped in layers of this agricultural product before being placed on a heated waterbed (this is not a gluten-free treatment!)

What is wheat (or hay)?


This is the name of one of the oldest chess game openings and the name of 2020 Netflix mini-series on the same subject.

What is the Queen’s Gambit?


This popular PNW outdoor company’s first General Manager was also the first American to reach the Summit of Mount Everest.

What is REI?


To be classified as this kind of fancy boat, its size must be at least 33 feet long and judged for good aesthetic qualities.

What is a yacht?


This enterprise helped make Sam Bankman-Fried the richest 20-something billionaire in the world at the age of 29 years old, with a fortune of 22.5 billion.

What is cryptocurrency?


Dating back to the sixth century in Azerbaijan, this curative bath allows you to soak in a product of the middle east, better known for keeping your car running once refined.

What is crude oil?


Over 51.3 million Americans enjoy this hobby, according to a US Fish and Wildlife Service survey.  

What is birdwatching?


This was the most visited National Park in 2021.

What is the Blue Ridge Parkway (15.9 million – Yosemite is #21 at 3.3 million)
