Rigor & Structure
Down to the Facts
The Day to Day
Question Marks

One focus point that would prompt additional probing during the recruiter screen, hiring manager interview, and throughout the interview process.

What is an average tenure less than 3 years?


These four individuals are the original company founders.

Who are "Robert Shapiro, Brian Lee, Edward Hartman, Brian Liu"?


This is a required type/style of interview for GroupManager+.

What is "In person Interview"?


We build great teams by recognizing, motivating, and inspiring each other. We realize that we can’t do it alone, and success comes from working together as one team. We embrace a diversity of perspectives and celebrate our differences and our achievements together. We lead with empathy and respect, and we’re committed to each other’s success.

What is "Lift Each Other Up"?


This resource will serve as a guide for hiring managers and interviewers during the recruiting process to ensure company values are assessed.

What is the "Values Interview Guide"?


From the Latin meaning "to hold", this 6 letter word refers to the period of time a person works at a particular job or in an office.

What is "Tenure"?


On this date, we opened our doors for the first time.

What is "March 12, 2001"?


A meeting when the Recruiter, Hiring Manager, and Interviewers meet to review the candidate, post interview and before offer approval stage.

What is a "Debrief Meeting"?


Our customers are at the center of everything we do, and we’re laser focused on being a trusted partner at every step of their journey. We work tirelessly to provide access to the tools and expertise people need to start and grow their businesses. We understand and constantly think about our customers’ most critical challenges today so we can make their businesses more successful and hassle-free tomorrow.

What is "Champion Our Customers"?


Data was collected and analyzed from these three areas during Project Lifetime. 

What are "Candidate Profile", "Interviewing Process", and "Onboarding/Performance"?


This is the expected completion and submittal ScoreCard rate before a live Debrief Meeting can be executed. If not, it will be cancelled.

What is "100%"


According to the Q1 earnings call, our subscriptions revenue increased by this amount.

What is "10%"?


This document is provided to the New Hire within their first two weeks by the hiring manager.

What is the "30-60-90 Day Plan"?


We’re relentlessly curious and strive to see how everything fits together. We’re constantly connecting the dots and leaning in to create a flawless end-to-end experience. We’re always thinking beyond our own piece of the puzzle. We collaborate with one another to understand the impacts of our decisions. We think big — but we know that every detail of our customers’ experience matters.

What is "See The Whole Picture"?


As part of onboarding, every hiring manager must complete this at the New Hire's 3rd month of employment. 

What is the "90 Day OSAT Survey"?


Focused sourcing on candidates with a minimum average tenure greater than 3 years (of quality experience) per company for roles of this level and above.

What is "Oracle 22 and above"?


The number of product launched on opening day was... 

What is "10"?


The Interview Prep Doc, Case Study Guide, and other resources are housed on the...

What is the "Hiring & Onboarding Playbook Site"?


We are all owners of our business results. We set measurable goals, track progress regularly, and hold each other accountable. We aren’t afraid to take big chances and make some mistakes that we’ll learn and grow from — just like our customers do. We keep an entrepreneurial mindset, never settle for how it’s always been done, and keep pushing boundaries until we find a better way forward. We focus our time on impactful work to deliver outstanding results for our customers.

Focus On Results


After a role is approved, funded, and opened in Jobvite, this person is responsible to schedule an Intake Meeting.

Who is the "Recruiter"?


Exceptions to tenure can be made with the endorsement of this person.

Who is the "Department C-Team Leader"?


On this date & year, we became a publicly traded company.

What is "June 30, 2021"?


A candidate accepts our offer, completes background check, and is ready to join LZ. Their first day consists of New Hire Orientation lead by the...

Who is the "Talent Management Team"?


We communicate clearly and directly to make sure our message can be understood with no confusion. We incorporate others' views, actively listen to new ideas, and embrace inquiry and debate. We value transparent, inclusive, and respectful communication to build and maintain trust with each other and our customers.

What is "Keep It Simple"?


If you rearrange the letters in these three words "sheepshear", "tunnel", and  "unriper", you can get this phase we should all know very well.

What is "Unleash Entrepreneurship"
