Who is the CEO of WMAA?
Mrs. Gasper
How many kids does Mrs. Dougherty have?
Is it an alligator or crocodile that cannot stick out it's tongue?
"The Odyssey"
"Romeo and Juliet"
When and where can you get your phone if Mrs. Dougherty takes it from you?
Mr. DeVos
Where did Mrs. Dougherty live during COVID for a year?
Who is the largest producer of wheels?
What unit will we be starting the year with?
What happens if you get 3+ tardies?
Lunch Detention
What type of plane is used for flight training?
Cessna 172
What is one job Mrs. Dougherty worked before teaching at WMAA?
FOX 17 as a sales assistant
Insurance Agency
What is the strongest muscle in the human body?
The tongue
Define Fiction v. Non-Fiction
Fiction = Not True
Non-Fiction = True
How will Mrs. Dougherty get your attention?
Raised hand or sshhh
What is our school slogan?
Where attitude meets altitude
What two colleges did Mrs. Dougherty attend what degrees did she obtain from each?
Bachelors from Aquinas College
Masters from Concordia University - Ann Arbor
What is the shortest sentence in the English language?
"I am."
You earn a grade in LIFT
No. It's a pass/fail course
What year was WMAA founded?
2010 with 75 students
What is the year, make, and model of Mrs. Dougherty's car she mentioned in her "About Me?"
Who is the third astronaut on the Apollo 11 flight that did NOT get to walk the moon?
Michael Collins
Who wrote, "The Raven" , "The Tell - Tale Heart" and "Annabel Lee" ?
Edgar Allen Poe
School time to do school work
Get extra assistance and one-on-one time with Mrs. Dougherty
Catch up on missing assignments